Until Dawn

Until Dawn

Moaz came running and entered his room. Naila smiled at his action. Zaini indicated to sit down and walked towards Moaz's room.13-year-old Muaz was lying face down on the bed. What was this movement? Muaz, whenever Zaini comes, you start doing such actions. Son, she is younger, there is no one of your age around you, so she comes to play with you. And If you are the one who gives me a lift, even if you talk to me from a distance, you feel bad. Why do you do this? As soon as I see him, I remember Baba. How he gave his life for the freedom of Kashmir. So Baba didn't get the last time, couldn't see and you say I am a traitor who is not a protector of the earth like my mother, how can I consider her daughter as a friend, tell me Mother today again I have left Captain Sharma from Zeni's house. I saw that Moaz was asking his mother with eyes red with grief. Mother Zaini's father, do I feel hatred for every relationship related to a traitor and you say to be friends with father's killers? Naila son. She was watching, her eyes were eager to shed tears from grief, but she did not want to be weak in front of her son. Muaz's voice was loud10-year-old Zaini had heard all that and ran home crying. Meanwhile, Zaini became completely silent. She was neither brave nor big enough to ask her father any questions. Muaz and Zaini lived next to each other in the city of Srinagar. Zaini's father Parvez was a doctor and He was also a political activist of the puppet government.

Until Dawn
His relationship with the Indian Army was not hidden from anyone. In other words, people considered him as the loyal dog of India. Muaz's father was an activist of the freedom movement. The enemy caught them and burned them alive. Moaz's hatred of the enemy increased. Dear Diary, Since I told my mother the reason for my hatred, Zaini has been away. If she had not been the daughter of a traitor, then I would have made her a friend. Baba's mission is to be fulfilled. Dear diary, you know. Empty passion can never win us over these infidels. I have become a successful doctor and I want to somehow get a commission in the Indian Army and cut their roots. What will I promise to Baba in any case? 10 years later Zaini's education is completed. There are two very good relationships that I see. I want to make his hands yellow. I want to read more. Please send me out to read more. The only daughter requested for the first time in her life. This request was also legitimate. Parvez knew that this intelligent daughter of his would do something different. Of course, son, if you want to read. If so, what can we object to? Parvaiz said while loving on his daughter's head. Zaini's eyes softened at this kind of love. Zaini thanked her father and headed toward her room. She used to see Muaz sometimes. He was 6 inches tall, broad-shouldered, and had blue eyes and, a fair complexion, he looked like a prince of an empire. What would have happened, Baba, if you had not been a preacher of faith? The words of Mu'az said in his childhood would have pierced his heart. Baba, I cannot hate you even if I wanted to. Yes, this is my promise to this earth. I will show you that I am not the daughter of an impostor father, but the daughter of Kashmir, O Kashmir, I am your daughter, yes, this is my promise to you.
Today, some guests are coming with your father, you should set up the drawing room, Zaini. Fazilah said to Zaini, "Zini, mother, then there will be a feast for the infidels, and the house will be full of debris. Why can't Baba see the burning Kashmir, mother? Tears came to Fazilah's eyes after listening to Zaini's words, and she got up and went towards her room. In this game of fire and blood, who is the traitor, and who is not the time to decide? Parvez, who came to give Zini's passport and necessary things, heard his daughter's words and returned. No one could see the red blood in his eyes. Somewhere far away, the song of freedom was still echoing. No one could recognize this person who sang in a painful voice. Yes, the children of Kashmir were familiar with his voice. O Kashmir, I have come here for your sake you have come to erase all the darkness written in your destiny. O Kashmir for your sake O Kashmir for your sake this Holi of fire and blood came to play on his body. The enemy hit his heart one by one. Every time Zini heard these words, every beat of her heart said in response to this promise. I had brought out my son Zini Naila Aunty's son has come with your father in his library. Zaini asked in surprise, "Yes, hurry up now. I want to see the rest of the work. Fazilah was probably in a hurry and could not see the surprise on her daughter's face. Muaz and Parvez were talking when Zaini entered pushing a tea trolley." And they both fell silent. Zaini greeted me and quietly started serving tea. Parvez broke the silence in the room and told Muaz that this was Zaini. Muaz took a look at him and said with a smile, "This is a good thing, uncle, and this is also the requirement of today's age that our nation ought to get an advanced education." Zaini gave him tea and went out. Here with Baba, does he not want to harm Baba? Allah forbid, but Muaz hates your family. The question was raising its head in Zeni's mind. She started working in the kitchen, why did this Anila aunt's son come? Zeni asked her mother if she had any work to do.Yes, son Moaz has come from the UK for specialization. He is a successful doctor. He wants your father to commission him in the Indian Army. If not, then put him in a big hospital in Mumbai. He also wants to take his mother from here. Fazila Begum started to tell Zaini the reason for Mu'az's visit along with the work. Hearing this, Zaini felt very dizzy. She held her mother who was standing next to her and saved herself from falling. Was scared. What's up Zeni, are you okay? Fazila quickly took Zaini to the room and started calling Parvez Come on, Pervez Zazzini Zeni, Zezzini Zeni, and she is a falling baby. Her color is turning like turmeric. You come home quickly. Blood pressure is taken. "It will be fine," Dr. Parvez consoled Fazilah. "Is the love for the world so strong that you disregard yourself and your God? The worldly pursuit kills the conscience. Muaz also became one of the traitors. Baba's dead body was forgotten, the blood was flowing in Kashmir, you forgot your duty, Muaz, you hated even the daughter of a traitor. Khogai, how is the son of Zaini now? Dr Parvez put his hand on Zaini's head and asked if the son had been admitted to Oxford University. The passport has also arrived, and the ticket for two days later has also been confirmed. All the other arrangements have been made. Now get well soon, my son. She was always waxed by Baba's love. For him, there were cool shadows in the hot sun. Zeni hugged her father and thanked him with a smile. At Srinagar Airport, Muaz also came with Baba Maa to see off Zaini. She did not want to cry in front of Muaz. She put glasses on her eyes. Her golden complexion was shining in a black scarf. She met her mother first. Fazilah Begum's eyes were constantly raining. Mother, pray for me. Don't make your tears a chain for my feet. I am leaving you for some time. Please feel the pain of millions of parents in Kashmir, whose innocent daughters are being robbed of their innocence by the beasts who kill them every day. And we, like the insensible and conscienceless people, are engrossed in our lives as if nothing happens. Nothing happened. He told all this to Baba and Muaz. Parvez turned his face away while Muaz's face No one could see the invisible color that came and passed. That's when the announcement started. Saying goodbye to everyone, Zeni moved forward. As soon as she sat on the seat, the tears that had stopped for a long time were scattered on her golden cheeks, sometimes her heart was full. It becomes empty, every feeling dies, it feels as if we are dead. As soon as we die, pain, pain, happiness, this whole world has died. This feeling comes when we no longer dare to bear the pain. The agony of slavery Losing loved ones, betraying the family, seeing the dreams and dignity of girls like myself destroyed, men like Baba, and selfish people like Muaz felt the biggest obstacle to the freedom of Kashmir. Yes, Zeni had to be a stone. So that no thorn or stone would come in the way of my goal. His goal was high and big. If anyone had known about his goal before time. An earthquake would have occurred in the halls of disbelief. How could it be known that this goal and mission was for Kashmir and the life of Kashmir was for Pakistan? Thinking about his goal, Zini's lips automatically started to smile. His mission and project are coming. At times, the enemy was going to shake the world. After burying every feeling of sorrow and pain, she became a stone. Today, Zenia put her head on the seat and closed her eyes. She was thinking that she had a good educational background. Being able to get a part-time job in any research institute was an excuse to come for further studies. Here in England, she could work on her project better. As soon as she landed at the airport, they saw her. A girl approached him and asked him to come with her. The girl had left the hostel and guided him about everything. The girl told him that a Turkish boy was also her roommate and shared a room with her He would also come for two days. She could not share a room with a non-mahram. She had to find a house in a nearby area where she could stay as a paying guest before the boy came. Deep in thought, Zeni set things up and after freshening up, she moved towards the attached kitchen. There was also a small size fridge in the kitchen. There was also an oven and a stove. The kitchen was set up very nicely. After taking a quick look at the kitchen, Zeni headed towards the fridge. There were egg slices and milk in the fridge. She wasn't feeling hungry because of the food on board. Coffee was felt due to fatigue. Zeni made coffee for herself came to the terrace and started enjoying the coffee after informing Baba and Mom about her safe arrival. Now her biggest concern was to arrange proper accommodation for herself. And lay down to rest. When Zaini opened her eyes, it was Asr time. Zaini got up and performed ablution and prayed and spoke to herself. I wondered if people should live like evil spirits. Zeni went outside to the ground. There were few people on earth. Zeni started to look around. She was wearing black jeans with a black loose-fitting long shirt. And the hijab with the black scarf was giving a strange light to her golden complexion. Zini leaned against the coconut tree and looked at the birds flying in the sky with sad eyes. As if the evening was setting in the sea and was forcing the viewers to stop and look at her once. Dawood, look at that girl, she looks Pakistani. She seems to be new. She also looks lonely and sad. Maryam sat with him. Dawood's attention was drawn towards Zaini. As soon as Dawood's eyes fell on Zaini, he was looking at her for a few moments. No, I am a girl. So David was shocked. And on Maryam's words, he started to stare at her, and her anger was always on her nose. Hello..!sweet girl listen to me! Which country? Are you from Pakistan? Mary shook his arm and repeated her words in one breath. Zaini looked at Maryam in shock, she felt a sense of belonging and was comforted by the fact that the girl standing next to her looked Pakistani. Zaini smiled and thought for a while and said (Anyway, her domicile and ID card were all from India, her father). had also written the address of the city of Mumbai on her ID card and her educational credentials were also there; her mission also required her to identify herself as an Indian. No, I'm not from Pakistan. I am from India. Mary asked again Oh well...?! Then why, do you know Urdu? Zane smiled sheepishly and nodded. Then it's very good, man, to speak English, my mouth was crooked. He has come to meet me," Maryam expressed highlighting Dawood. He is here. He has come to meet me," Maryam expressed highlighting Dawood. Xenia smilingly told Maryam about herself and also that Xenia also enrolled in the same course. In Maryam was admitted, I went crazy with happiness that thank you I didn't find you, I was very worried. Zenia Maryam hugged Zenia. Zenia smiled at Maryam's attitude. There is no problem here, not even you. Maryam asked her. Zeni said everything else is fine, there is only one problem, now you and I will solve it together. My roommate is a boy, he will come after two days. I ask Dawood to accommodate both of us in one room. Don't worry. Maryam consoled Zini. I will come after talking to Dawood. Anyway, he is in a hurry, he has to go. Rather, you also go and I will introduce you to Dawood. Daud, this is Zini, she is from my department and told Daud about Zini's problem. Don't worry, Zini. Today you stay in Maryam's room, your work will be done tomorrow morningZaini thanked Dawood. It's ok. You are also like Maryam for me. Dawood said to Zaini. And after giving some advice to Maryam, he turned to leave. Zeni Maryam began to ask Zeni while shaking her neck from side to side. When filling out the hostel form, they ask about your facilities and habits. And do they provide hostel rooms and other facilities keeping in mind your habits? Did you not fill out your form yourself? Zaini was shocked at Maryam's words and started saying. Neha filled out my form and hers. While filling out the form, she was also telling me at the same time. A few questions like Do you drink? There were many other questions that he didn't answer seriously. Maybe that's why it happened. She gave non-serious answers to questions about drinking, boyfriends, and smoking. So the hostel administration must have thought I was a different kind of girl. For this reason, they also made the boy their roommate. Zaini said to Maryam in a worried tone, "Oh come on, now what happened has happened. Now Dawood will change the room. 
Don't worry. After Maryam's consolation, Zaini nodded in the affirmative. The next day they both reached the university around 10 o'clock to find out about their classes and timetable and returned to the hostel. Dawood had also come for some time, he took some forms to Maryam, Maryam, and Zaini filled the forms and gave them. Finally, the room has changed, Zaini, now you will stay with me. Mariam laughed and hugged Zaini. For some time, Dawood also left after drinking coffee. For one thing, this one, who is my cousin, is not very mature. He is four years older than me. But I think he is forty years older than me. Now he doesn't know that we are free for two days, he didn't offer to visit England even once. Maryam was talking about Dawood while rolling her eyes. Zani laughed at Maryam's style. She picked up two nuclear physics books from the rack handed one to Maryam and said, "Now you will not be busy. I have found a job for you." She jumped to the side and said, "Congratulations to you for such a busy life." Zaini went to sleep with a blanket pulled up to her head. Zaini opened the book laughing and started reading. Zaini was absorbed in the book. Maryam called her but Zaini was so absorbed that He did not hear Maryam's voice. Maryam got up shook Zini's arm and said, "You are so engrossed in such a dry book for the last hour. If, I read course books with great difficulty. Maryam was looking disgusted. For one thing, the distance from the house reminds me of my mother and father for two days, they rotted in the same room, or I will die, my friend. Maryam would die. It seemed like she would cry now. Zini made a cup of both her hands put her face in it and looked at Maryam intently. How much innocence and carelessness there was.Carelessness. She only cried when she was bored and remembered Mimi. What is the difference between the two of us, the rebellious heart of both of us had come down to rebellion. There is a lot of difference. She is a person of the world and you are a slave of the world, therefore she is carefree and free and you are a slave. The slave's heart was screaming. They ran out of the room. Maryam, who was stunned by her actions, ran after Zini after regaining consciousness. Zini was sitting on the stairs of the last ground of the hostel with her head on her knees. Maryam was looking for her and finally reached Zini. Everything is fine, isn't Zaini? Hearing Maryam's voice, Zaini raised her head. Maryam held Zaini's hand, and she felt cold as ice. Zaini, I'm asking something, tell me, sir. Maryam had forgotten her boredom. Now Zaini. She stood worried. Seeing Maryam getting worried, Zaini got up put an arm around her neck, and said nothing. I'm sorry, someone reacts like that. Maryam took her class while pulling Zeni's ear with one hand. Then what is the program, Zini, let's go out on Ao Ting. Mariam asked Zeni while putting the noodles in her mouth I am not feeling well today and I will be fine tomorrow I heard that there is a research institute at a short distance from the campus. Maryam looked at him thoughtfully Muaz was present at Parvez sahib's house for evening tea. Ever since Zaini went, he has been taking care of Parvez and Fazilah like sons. Even today, Fazilah called Naila and Muaz for evening tea. I am sorry Moaz, despite all my efforts, you could not get a commission in the army because of your father. Because he has been standing in the way of the Hindu Army for a long time. You know Major Shukla. He is not ready to believe you at any cost. Mraz's face turned completely cold at Parvez Sahib's words handing the appointment letter from Mumbai Hospital to Moaz, Moaz said further, seeing your ability, he offered you the job himself. This was before you met me and talked to me about the job. But I am waiting for this. I was saying that you should talk to me yourself, maybe you didn't like me talking and offering you a job. Moaz was ashamed of his words and bowed his head and started thanking him. Fatima Noor is an eight-year-old girl who was awarded first prize in the scientific competition of International Stim Competition and Events. Who made Pakistan proud by winning this competition, you will be surprised to hear that this girl's IQ level is 162, which is two levels higher than Einstein's IQ level. They were broadcasting the news and Fatima's father and mother were overjoyed. Ask Baba what gift to get from Baba. Fatima's father loves Fatima and asks Fatima. And mother was making Fatima's favorite dishes. Where there was joy from the girl's extraordinary success, there was an unknown fear in my heart. Baba, she never tells anything before, what will she tell now? While pouring, he said, "A great dinner, then a lot of ice cream, and then you will bring us toys. After that, there is a long long drive. No, Fati, I am right. No, Fatima also nodded her head in agreement. She believed something from Manu." Manu could not deny her and she was Manu's soul. Manu and Fatima were twins. Manu was playful, flamboyant, and stupid. Fatima was so wise and quiet at such a young age, that she was not stubborn like normal children Durrani and Arisha had only two children, Fatima and Manu, who were their total universe. Arisha got ready quickly. Today they will have dinner out and after dinner, Timur started to tell Arisha about his program. Four black cars surrounded his car.He could not get out of the enclosure. He stopped the car. Unknown persons knocked him unconscious took out the desired thing and turned towards the direction from where he came. When he regained consciousness, he found himself in the car. His daughter and wife were still unconscious in the car. But not finding him there, his existence was as still as a statue in fear and shock. Zeni Yarer's idea is not bad, it is better than being bored like this. Just find this science center before the classes start. After all, what is the use of Dawood Mian? Maryam excitedly said to Zaini and at the same time started calling Dawood. After controlling his frozen senses, he started trying to bring his companion to consciousness. After some time, he also regained consciousness. Not finding it, he was looking at Timur with still eyes. His ability to think and understand was lost. It was done. Timur tried to console the silent Arisha by his side. Timur. Fatima took her. Fif. Tamma. Broken words were coming out of their mouths. Arisha was unconscious and swung in Timur's arms. Timur had reached home with great difficulty. Is it done, Tony? Tell the boss that the girl has been delivered to the desired location. Alam is just about to arrive. You should explain to Dr. Alam what to do. There should be no room for error. X-Five Tony is no longer needed. Kill him. The masked, obnoxious-voiced boss instructs X-Five to press a button. The wall on the side of the room slides in between X-Five and the boss. Reaching his office, he started giving instructions to his right hand. As soon as the work of X-5 was finished, he did not want to have any evidence of this dirty game. It was a very big plan.MAJOR Has everything gone well? Everything should be forgotten, this girl should be better. It's all necessary to succeed in the game, donkey. The boss was giving instructions to the major in a shrill voice. Major, you hand over your pet dog to him, saying it is a trust, don't betray him, we will take him back when the time comes. Maryam typed a message and sent it to Dawood. Dawood's reply came immediately to my happiness. Maryam got angry at David's answer, but it was Maryam who did not take revenge for her anger. A smile crept on his lips. Dawood started to type messages with some thought. I felt that ever since you got that static statue-type friend. You don't need me anymore. By the way, instead of the blonde, you would have found a dumb beauty like your statue friend. was good. Maryam was really angry after hearing Dawood's rare thoughts about Zeni. And she quickly started to write a reply. Fat bulls. In front of Zeni, you seem to defeat even Gautama Buddha. And how do you decorate your face? So let me inform you about your true identity to Zaini. After typing the answer, Maryam threw the mobile on the bed. And she started telling Zaini about Dawood's arrival. They both started going to the university regularly. She started going to the nearby research center with Zeni. Maryam was also learning a lot of practical things. And she was deeply grateful for Zeni's idea. Due to such tough studies, she could not travel to London yet. Zeni had only one goal. He was not interested in traveling. But Maryam felt this very strongly. She thought that Zeni and Dawood would visit London as soon as the semester breaks. Fifteen days had passed since Fatin's daughter was abducted. Timur had taken the services of the special police for this purpose, but it seemed that Fatima had been swallowed up by the earth, and then the sky had swallowed her. Timur and Arisha were overwhelmed with grief. The apocalypse had passed on them. People were slowly forgetting this. But both of them were dying moment by moment in the separation of a piece of their liver. They did not let it bother them where their daughter was. And under what conditions would it happen? It was as if Manu had become silent. All the time she used to look at everyone with sullen eyes. Seeing her condition, Timur took her and Arisha to his elder brother Sahib for some time. Sent to Canada. A tall, lanky man whose chubby cheeks and bulging red eyes made his appearance even more terrifying. He was anxiously waiting for his right-hand man in his private room. He did not leave the matter to anyone's mercy. could In the meantime, he got the news of Right Hand's arrival, Sir, his previous memory has been erased, the girl has regained consciousness, and she doesn't remember anything. He poured the remaining wine into his mouth and got up to leave "Zeni, when we were coming back from the research center, the same person was sitting in the car. Even today, I think he is watching us," Maryam told Zeni in a frightened tone. Zini shuddered hearing Maryam's words, but kept her tone balanced and said, "Are you crazy?" Why would someone keep an eye on us? You are delusional. You were satisfied after hearing Maryam Zaini's words, but she looked back twice and saw the person sitting in the car. She has a strange look. Both of my targets do not know anything, but the girl next to her. Agent Alpha seems to be alert and reporting back to the boss The heavy voice of the boss resounded. Even if you doubted, she was thinking upside down. So you fathom what you want to do. The boss said to Elfa in a roaring tone, Yes, I understand better. She had been feeling herself since day. She had a good idea of her intelligence and ability. She knew well who could do this job. Now she was thinking differently. She had to arrange some plan so that Maryam couldn't be harmed, the fear flowing in his eyes turned into horror in his beautiful eyes. Zeni had seen Mary sleeping quietly with great fear and closed her eyes with fear.And the lower lip was humming It was so painful There was no pain A tear broke through the eyelids and soaked into the pillow.Today was his last paper. The semester break started yesterday.Maryam had taken a promise from Dawood that she would not go to Pakistan and Dawood would take Maryam and Zini around Linden tomorrow.Zeni's mind was bursting with thoughts. There was something incomplete. It was beyond understanding. Zeni recognized the person who had been watching over them for so many days. He had certainly changed his clothes, but it was Zeni's. Zarik could not hide from the prying eyes that Dawood and Maryam's company could put them both in danger. She was thinking of going back under any pretext and coming back as soon as the semester break was over and how to keep Maryam away from her. She will think about it later, thinking about the distance from Maryam, her eyes filled with tears. What's more, a wail emerged from her mouth. But for the sake of Maryam, she had to endure all the distances. I heard a scream. Just as she was about to get up, someone's heavy hand placed a handkerchief with chloroform on her nose. She could not even speak and her mind went into darkness. At the point when she recaptured cognizance, She was in a room. Slowly she started to remember everything. A wave of fear ran through her whole being. She moved her hands and feet and saw. She was not tied. She looked around the room. As soon as he opened his eyes to take it, he remained still as he saw the being bent over him. It. What are you doing here? Why did you bring me here? And she stood close to the wall crying. For one look she was ready to sacrifice her whole life. She had no illusion that Muaz would reach England and give her He would kidnap me. His heart was beating badly. How dare you kidnap me. They sent you, didn't you? They got together. The sobs of the mothers of the earth, the screams of the daughters, and the lamentations of the wives were forgotten. Zaini held Muaz's neck while crying badly. Zaini's throat sat down from the screams. He was crying on the floor. She sat down.Moaz was quietly bent on his knees. He brought him to the bed with support and offered a glass of water. After drinking the water, Zaini's condition improved, Moaz started saying, "Take off the blindfold from your eyes, Zaini." Zaini was shocked. Moaz had seen Moaz, he had nodded his head and gently placed his strong hand on Zaini's cold hand. Every person in the world today is aware of the situation in Zeni Kashmir. But what I am going to tell you, is I hope you will face it all bravely. Please bear with me. We are Kashmiris, so you can bear with me. I am listening. Your father was arrested.He was a supporter of Kashmiris behind the scenes. This has been known. And he has been transferred to an unknown location. Now the Indian Army is suspecting everyone. Curfew has been imposed again in Kashmir.
Muaz extended a file to Zini. And further said these things uncle has given me as a trust so that I can reach you and uncle has also given a letter in your name. Cleanse your heart, we are Kashmiris, we cannot even think of treason. After throwing dust in the eyes of Muaz's dogs, he left just like he had taken Zaini and no one even knew about Zaini when she returned to Rome. Maryam was sleeping at three o'clock in the morning. Today night had become more heavy on Zeni. Zeni wanted to know all the facts first before morning. Zeni sat on the study table, switched on the table lamp, and started checking the goods. A few photos of Zeni's childhood also came out. Apart from this, there was another photo of a complete family, a picture of a beautiful couple. A diary was also found among the belongings. A CD Zeni was immediately inserted into the laptop. At the point when I put it on and look at it. The same song started to echo. The person who sang it was anonymous. But the valley was familiar with his voice. As soon as the song ended, the person whose voice echoed. This voice had stopped his heartbeats, John Baba when I saw the hatred in your eyes against me. My heart used to scream and tell you to tell Zeni your true identity, but it was not time to tell Zeni the truth. Until you know the truth, I might have sacrificed myself on my land. Don't be sad about my martyrdom, don't cry because you also had the same wish that your father was not a traitor but a Mujahid. Zini held his head with both hands. Zaruqtar was crying, that's all she was saying, how stupid I was, I couldn't recognize myself, Baba, I couldn't recognize you. I'm sorry, Baba. I'm sorry. Sometimes the painful thing from the past unpleasant memories becomes the hatred that we continue to harbor towards someone. The day was opened for him. Even knowledge is not less than punishment. Today she became known. And this song is the secret of its reality. You must have known it, Baba. So I could hug you, I wish Baba Zeni was crying silently. Today was the night of the revelation of secrets. Zeni had to know the whole truth before daybreak. Among the belongings was a bloody dupatta. And Baba's bloody jacket. She knew that her mother had sacrificed herself on earth like other mothers, and she could not think of her father. She had only read a few pages of the diary when she felt that she was losing her life. She is dying, how much she was cheated with Zeni, the blood started to fall in her eyes. She didn't want to make excuses, but she had to give more fuel to the fire inside. Today, Zini had learned the secret of monitoring this person. She was aware of the cunning of the Indian agents, but she realized that today, with the cunning and cunning, There were thugs and low-minded people with them. Seeing their hideous and inhuman atrocities, even the soul of Satan would tremble. The whole truth would have been known and they would have exposed their base and inhuman acts. Zini caught Mother's dupatta and Baba's jacket with her eyes and started kissing madly and when she got tired, she burnt everything according to Muaz's instructions and threw the ashes into the water. David had arrived in the morning according to the appointed time. Maryam was surprised that Zina who woke up early in the morning had not woken up yet. As soon as Maryam put her hand on her cheek to wake her up, she was suddenly shocked by the severity of Zina's fever. Maryam was unconscious because of her worry, Dawood also got up and came to Zaini. She has a very high fever, maybe that's why she is unconscious. I was calling Baba Dad, Dad, Mom, Mmm, don't leave me. Dad, Dad. David and Mary barely heard his words. What is Dawood saying? At night, Maryam had slept perfectly well. Maryam started crying. Dawood was annoyed because of Maryam's untimely crying and said, Bin Sawan, it is not the time to cry. Go, bring water in a pot and some clothes too. She has developed such a condition due to fever. After the fever subsides, she will be able to tell something. After hearing Dawood's words, Maryam wiped her tears and ran to get water. Dawood knew that Zaini had suffered a shock in the car some distance from Zaini's hostel. The person sitting had already sounded the alarm bell in Dawood's mind. When Dawood saw Maryam's pale complexion, he took the bowl of water from her hand. Bring me bandages in two bowls. You go and make tea. Zeni will also have to be given medicine, Dawood Maryam wanted to say something, but there was nothing. It is a slight fever. It will go down soon. Dawood told Maryam to drink water. With bandages and medicine, Zeni's condition improved somewhat, thanks to Maryam Thank you, Dawood, you have done so much for me. I am better now. You guys should not postpone your program because of me. Zaini had put wings over her eyes so that her swollen eyes would not be seen by Maryam and Dawood.Zeni, what is the matter of thanking you? I was very worried. Just get well. The tour program will be made again. Maryam said taking Zeni's hand in her hands.And she went to the kitchen to make soup for Zeni. Zenia, is there a problem with you, so you can tell me? As Maryam left, Dawood said to Zeni.Maryam did not tell you that I am in the Pakistan Army. I have come here to complete some courses. My name is Major Dawood Ahmed. Dawood had exploded a bomb on Zaini's head. Zaini removed her arm from her forehead and stared at Major Dawood. Wasn't in a position to trust anyone, looking into Zaini's red eyes, Dawood's heart desperately wanted time to stop and he kept looking at Zaini's eyes. Zaini was constantly looking at him. There was grazing And removed the window curtains and started looking out of the window Due to the disappearance of her sister, Manu was lost and silent. Timur Durrani had sent both Arisha and Manu out to his brother so that their hearts would be entertained. Arisha would wake up in the night and start crying. Her mental condition had become very bad. Timur's elder brother Usman Durrani and his begum Habiba Durrani were taking great care of Arisha. Considering her mental condition, they both hired a psychiatrist. In these circumstances. Manu had also become a victim of inattention, Taimur Durrani had engaged himself in business. But that fatal accident was far from his mind, it was licking his life like a termite. It took time. Kar was flying. Osman Durrani and Habiba Durrani had three children. Ahmed was the eldest, followed by Alisha and the youngest was Ali. Alisha and Ahmed were also taking care of Manu so that Manu could come out of this phase. Because of Ahmed, Manu had forgotten Maryam to some extent. They say that time is the greatest salve. All the children were told that Fatima had died in a car accident. Manu saw Ahmad and Alisha's friendship. It became known that Manu was admitted to Ahmad and Alisha's school. The psychiatrist was also unable to improve Arisha's mental condition. One day when Arisha slept at night, she could not wake up in the morning. Arisha's body was grey. After burial and last rites, Timur Durrani was forcibly married to Pakistan. Osman and Habiba took Manu with them. Mama, look at the one who broke the neck of my doll. Manu cried to Habiba. told Ahmed you are not a child anymore and stop teasing Manu. Habiba scolded Ahmed. Mama, he wrote Jin on my books with a color marker. And every one of my companions was ridiculing me. Ahmed also frowned and told Habiba. So Habiba, hiding her laughter, kept Manu by her side and said, I will get my daughter a new doll. Mama Habiba also started pampering him in time. The childhood games and frolics faded with time. But Mano and Ahmed still did not forget to take revenge on each other for small and big things. Alisha MBB She had done S and was doing a house job. Manu was one year younger than Alisha. She had done a master's. Ahmed was not interested in business. And he also wanted to shift to Pakistan. Everyone was present at the breakfast table. Ahmed should come back now. I think you should. Osman Durrani said to Ahmed, Baba, you know, I am not interested in business. I don't want to leave Pakistan. I need Pakistan. We are also tired of living in a foreign country and now my heart aches to spend the last days of my life in my homeland. Habiba also spoke her heart. They say what has been kept in Pakistan. There is nothing that can be trusted. Pakistan took Arisha Aunty away from us, my friend. We do not know where she went. Did she eat the earth or was she swallowed up by the sky, brother, which Pakistan? Pakistan needs you. Alisha laughed bitterly and got up from the table. No matter what anyone says, my decision is irrevocable. Now, I can never leave Pakistan. Usman Durrani nodded his head. The bitterness of the atmosphere. To reduce it, they said lightly, "I have never refused any decision of your mother. What I will do now is to take my mother as you say. This time, I will find a good house there with me. I will also do a business shift." But it will take some time for me to do all this. Hearing the decision of Usman Durrani, tears came to Habiba's eyes. She was so happy to spend the remaining years of her life with her country. She could not say anything. She bowed her head to conceal her tears. When Dawood returned from the hostel, he had Zeni's diary in his hand. His mind was very confused, there was something that was not right. Or there was something that was beyond understanding. Zeni was not what she seemed. Dawood did not find anything, so he picked up Zeni's diary and went back to his hotel. How is Zeni now? If you tell me, I will talk to your father or mother, maybe you are sad for them. Maryam was asking Zini in a worried and worried tone. Zini's fever was not coming down, and the medicine was not having an effect. It was too late for Maryam to ask. Zaini's tears started flowing, and Zaini was crying with hiccups, Maryam hugged Zaini, seeing her friend crying like this, Maryam also started crying and asked what happened, Zaini, my dear, tell me something, Maryam started asking while wiping away Zaini's tears. Pop. Give me water. Zaini asked Maryam for water. After drinking water, Zaini's condition got better, and she started smiling with pain. ? And how much pain should I bear, I can't bear it now Zini was crying intensely Maryam consoled her with trembling hands and said relax Zini. Then tell me what happened. Zainia, while crying with hiccups, told Maryam about Kashmir and Maam Baba, Maryam also started crying because of Zainia's grief, she had no words to comfort Zainia. Please calm down, Zini, how much crying, be patient, and pray for all of them for Kashmir. Maryam started to comfort Zini while crying, Allah is angry with us Kashmiris, Maryam, He does not hear our cries, our pain, He does not send anyone to help, sometimes Allah is ours. No Maryam curfew has been imposed in Kashmir for a month now, father is missing, mother is martyred, I am tired, Maryam, I am very tired, drink some water and take this medicine. The medicine was applied to Zeni's lips. After a while, Zeni was sleeping deeply. Dawood took Zeni's diary to the terrace for a mug of black coffee. The first few pages were blank. You are very strange, Zini, the way you look confused. Your diary is also like you. Dawood laughed slowly, after turning a few pages, a few words stopped his hands. The end of the agony is when If you want to cry, leave the tears with you, the words start to break, the breath starts to stop, and you cry for help. So there is no one to listen to, no one can understand your pain and suffering. You become very alone, so alone that the dark streets of the heart I let the screams of pain hit the high walls and suffocate, and you cruelly bite your lips to stifle the sobs from the feeling of suffocation. They were words or arrows in agony. David felt his heart in someone's fist. It was such a sad thing. Dawood's mind was more confused for Zeni. The coffee on the table became cold. He left the room twisting the chain in a state of anxiety and worry. Maryam hugged Zeni. Sitting on her bed, she was busy crying when the door of the room started ringing. Maryam quickly ran towards the door while wiping her tears. David, are you at this time? Why can't I come to my cousin at this time? Now I have to find time to come. Dawood smiled and teased Maryam. Instead of laughing, Maryam began to cry loudly. He took Maryam's hand and brought her to the ground. Before Dawood asked, Maryam started to tell. Zeni's fever has not gone down. Medicine is still given. Let's stop crying now so we can think of what we can do to help him. Dawood overcomes his anxiety and tries to distract Maryam. Zaini is a Kashmiri. Dawood's father has been kidnapped and his mother was martyred. He is disturbed because of this. Dawood was shocked to hear Maryam's words. After thinking for a few seconds, Dawood asked Maryam. No, David, what else does poor Maryam say? Something strange has happened before, Maryam. Did you see something like that, Maryam? David was confused by this story. Something was not supposed to happen, Maryam thought. Hoya said Dawood was gone again. But why are you asking? Are you doubting Zini? Tell me what you were talking about. Maryam Dawood said sternly. If I don't tell you? You are doubting my friend who is sick and is going through a lot of pain. Maryam said making a face.Look Maryam everything is not so simple, Zeni's life may be in danger, she may be kidnapped and you are her roommate, something may be wrong with you too, so tell me everything. I am not an enemy. Yes, Dawood said in a soft tone. Dawood, if I tell you, you will fix everything, won't you?Maryam started asking innocently, "When do you know why you are bothering me again? Tell me quickly, then I am going too. Dawood, when we were returning from the research center, I felt twice that someone was following us. When I told Zaini, she held my hand firmly and told me that you are delusional and now I should not look back. Zaini is in danger, Dawood, you will not help her, will you? David was lost in thought. Maryam shook his shoulder. Then David was shocked, don't worry, I am not a doll. Now don't worry and try to ask Zini more. To make it difficult. Maryam nodded her head and looked at her hero-like cousin with shining eyes. Dawood found Maryam looking at him. So he started teasing her, am I looking more handsome today, Maryam? Don't look at me now and praise me a little in front of your friend, she doesn't even look at me, Maryam laughed at Dawood's acting. She punched Dawood's arm and said that Zaini must have been scared seeing the ghost-like appearance, that's why she doesn't look at you and you think that you are handsome. Pup. Water. Water. Baba. Water. Dawood was busy on the mobile phone. Maryam had gone to make coffee. Suddenly Zeni started calling Baba in a state of drowsiness. After drinking the water, Zaini felt a strange feeling, then raised her head and looked back. Come, where are you, Dawood, Maryam? Maryam is making coffee, and you kept asking for water. She lowered her eyes and said, "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I didn't disturb you." Zaini Dawood said in a serious tone. Dawood's eyes constantly looking at her were giving Zaini a strange shock. How is Zeni? Dawood was still standing there. I'm not feeling well, I'm also sleepy.You tell us everything, who are those people who are monitoring you, and why? But I must remind you of one thing, you are not the only one in danger, Maryam is also in danger. I will try my best. If I can solve your problem, if you are a Kashmiri, then consider yourself a Pakistani, dear, you are not only the daughter of Kashmir but also Pakistan, because Kashmir is our artery. Zaini, for a few moments, Dawood stood there waiting for Zaini's answer and then became disappointed. He went to the kitchen next to Maryam. There was something very wrong. Maryam, you are ready. We are going back from tomorrow's flight. Dawood exploded a bomb on Maryam's head. Are you in a good mood? Zeni is not alone, he is not alone. Do what he said. Be ready tomorrow at four o'clock in the morning. David did not stop with his talk. Drink this coffee, David. David had left Rome without giving any answer. Mariam worried Zeni. Chili Chili came to her. Zeni, did you say anything to Dawood? Maryam, please let me sleep. If you or your cousin have a problem with me, I will find another place to live tomorrow. You don't have to worry about me, Zeni. had said in a strong tone and sat leaning on the bed after hearing Zaini's words, Maryam looked at Zaini sadly for a few moments. Then she said in a soft tone, Zaini, don't look for a place to stay, Dawood will take me back tomorrow. Maybe there's something wrong with me. People don't like me, friends don't like me. You turned out to be like other people. If my sister had understood, she wouldn't have rejected me today. This was the best for Maryam. It was cutting but she could not make Maryam a participant in her war, because of this Maryam would have suffered some loss. This was not approved by Zaini. After talking to Zaini, Maryam was busy with packing and after reaching Pakistan, the house was bought. After decorating the house, they all shifted home. Habiba was very happy because she was back in her country. Alisha was also trying her best to adjust herself. Phew, Mama, I'm so bored. Even Parmanu is not here. And Ali also has no time to give time to her sister. Alisha was saying very sadly, putting her head on Habiba's lap. You have to get busy and apply to different hospitals You will be busy. One more thing, Mano is also coming from tomorrow's flight. Is Mama Mano coming? Alisha happily sat up and started dialing Mano's number. Mano dialed the number. Alisha frowned. Put your head in Habiba's lap again and close your eyes, Ahmed, son, how did you remember, son, I'm fine, Mom, I need to talk to you, where are you, at this time, I'm in the room, son, and Alisha is with me. Habiba was worried. Yes, I am fine, Mama, how are Taimur's Uncle and Maha Aunty, how are you, son, Habiba said sadly, Mama, did they even ask about Manu, they don't know that they have any children, Ahmed started asking Habiba. After the baby Arisha and Fatima, he seems to have forgotten that he has any other children. What is Manu's fault in all this? I don't like Maryam staying there alone in the hostel. I don't like the atmosphere and conditions there. Please explain to Maryam that she should study in Pakistan. You will wrap up when I come tomorrow. OK, Mama Ahmed was very worried about Ahmed. Habiba was also worried after hearing the talk. Ahmed had never talked in such detail about any matter. Habiba also did not consider it appropriate to ask anything more and put the phone down after giving many prayers to Ahmed. She sat on the terrace while thinking about something. Pup. Water. Water. Baba. Water. Dawood was busy on the mobile phone. Maryam had gone to make coffee. Suddenly Zeni started calling Baba in a state of drowsiness. After drinking the water, Zaini felt a strange feeling, then raised her head and looked back. Come, where are you, Dawood, Maryam? Maryam is making coffee, and you kept asking for water. She lowered her eyes and said, "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I didn't disturb you." Zaini Dawood said in a serious tone. Dawood's eyes constantly looking at her were giving Zaini a strange shock. How is Zeni? Dawood was still standing there. I'm not feeling well, I'm also sleepy. You tell us everything, who are those people who are monitoring you, and why? But I must remind you of one thing, you are not the only one in danger, Maryam is also in danger.
I will try my best. If I can solve your problem, if you are a Kashmiri, then consider yourself a Pakistani, dear, you are not only the daughter of Kashmir but also Pakistan, because Kashmir is our artery. Zaini, for a few moments, Dawood stood there waiting for Zaini's answer and then became disappointed. He went to the kitchen next to Maryam. There was something very wrong. Maryam, you are ready. We are going back from tomorrow's flight. Dawood exploded a bomb on Maryam's head. Are you in a good mood? Zeni is not alone, he is not alone. Do what he said. Be ready tomorrow at four o'clock in the morning. David did not stop with his talk. Drink this coffee, David. David had left Rome without giving any answer. Mariam worried Zeni. Chili Chili came to her. Zeni, did you say anything to Dawood? Maryam, please let me sleep. If you or your cousin have a problem with me, I will find another place to live tomorrow. You don't have to worry about me, Zeni. had said in a strong tone and sat leaning on the bed after hearing Zaini's words, Maryam looked at Zaini sadly for a few moments. Then she said in a soft tone, Zaini, don't look for a place to stay, Dawood will take me back tomorrow. Maybe there's something wrong with me. People don't like me, friends don't like me. You turned out to be like other people. If my sister had understood, she wouldn't have rejected me today. This was the best for Maryam. It was cutting but she could not make Maryam a participant in her war, because of this Maryam would have suffered some loss. This was not approved by Zaini. After talking to Zaini, Maryam was busy with packing and after reaching Pakistan, the house was bought. After decorating the house, they all shifted home. Habiba was very happy because she was back in her country. Alisha was also trying her best to adjust herself. Phew, Mama, I'm so bored. Even Parmanu is not here. And Ali also has no time to give time to her sister. Alisha was saying very sadly, putting her head on Habiba's lap. You have to get busy, apply in different hospitals you will be busy. One more thing, Mano is also coming from tomorrow's flight. Is Mama Mano coming? Alisha happily sat up and started dialing Mano's number. Mano dialed the number. Alisha frowned. Put your head in Habiba's lap again and close your eyes, Ahmed, son, how did you remember, son, I'm fine, Mom, I need to talk to you, where are you, at this time, I'm in the room, son, and Alisha is with me. Habiba was worried. Yes, I am fine, Mama, how are Taimur's Uncle and Maha Aunty, how are you, son, Habiba said sadly, Mama, did they even ask about Manu, they don't know that they have any children, Ahmed started asking Habiba. After the baby Arisha and Fatima, he seems to have forgotten that he has any other children. What is Manu's fault in all this? I don't like Maryam staying there alone in the hostel. I don't like the atmosphere and conditions there. Please explain to Maryam that she should study in Pakistan. I will do the rest when I come tomorrow. OK, Mama Ahmed was very worried about Ahmed. Habiba was also worried after hearing the talk.Ahmed had never talked in such detail about any matter. Habiba also did not consider it appropriate to ask anything more and put the phone down after giving many prayers to Ahmed. She sat on the terrace while thinking about something. Maryam was busy packing. Maryam's cell phone started vibrating. Say, Dawood, Maryam said busily, "Is she fine?" Maryam also spoke to her parents in a strange tone, what does Maryam mean, why are you saying that, are you crazy? Do you want to talk about work? Dawood and I are very busy. If so, they can also give you. Maryam laughed bitterly, I will talk to you when your mind is right. Dawood angrily said, put the mobile. After putting the mobile, Dawood picked up Zini's diary which was placed on the side table. Reading books are the only books in the world with which you fight, in front of which you can tell all the pains of your heart, cry, laugh, and yet they never leave you, but always accompany you, encourage you, and become your hope. I will never leave you. Oh, you are also friends with madam's books. Dawood laughed and said to himself opened the next page and started reading. Breaths are also like breaths of life. They don't let the eyes fade away. They don't let their eyes close. Do you know when they will return? After reading these few lines written in the diary, Dawood felt his heart breaking. Such a strange feeling arose that Dawood was very sad. Small drops of sweat were felt on the forehead even in the cold. He had addressed Zeni in his heart. Who is Zeni? So Zainia Parvez, does someone else live in your heart? Not getting any answer, Dawood desperately wanted a cigarette.Cigarette Salgaudaud went to the terrace. Even the cold blows of the icy wind felt unable to extinguish the fire in his heart. It wasn't going. He would have flown to Zeni and asked him about all his pains. He had a strange feeling. The pain was a strange burning sensation. He started reading a few lines written in the diary to avoid the storm raging inside. Those who come to Ras, never leave their heart or minds, sometimes we forget something bigger than ourselves. It doesn't happen, feelings like poor emotions can never prevail over materialism.What is the torture, God, what is happening to me? What is happening to me? Dawood cruelly crushed the cigarette with his shoe. No sense was awake. Dawood anxiously dialed Maryam's number Hello, who is Maryam's sound in her sleep? I am Dawood, Maryam, Dawood was saying in a strange tone. As soon as she heard Dawood's voice, Maryam said in her sleep, "Let me sleep now. I have packed." Are you a friend? Dawood said in a pleading manner, say, Dawood, I am listening. Maryam stretched out her hand turned on the table lamp and went to the kitchen wearing slippers. Dawood was gone, you have fallen in love with Zini. A tear broke and fell on the kitchen floor with great difficulty. Maryam completed a sentence. Dawood himself was so confused that he could not feel Maryam's broken tone. Maryam hung up the phone after saying this. And she ran out of the room and went to the ground. Dawood was silent after hearing Maryam's words. The same sentence was echoing in Dawood's mind all night. Dawood, you fell in love with Zeni. It was a heavy night, but it ended anyway. But it left a deep impression on two hearts.At some point in the night, Zaini opened her eyes and found Maryam in the room, so she turned on the light in the room. When she looked at the time, it was three o'clock, her condition was better than before. Maryam came back late crying continuously. Because of this, her eyes were red and swollen. She lay down on the bed as soon as she came. What happened, Maryam, are you okay? She came to Maryam asking in a worried tone. Please, Zeni, let me sleep. Maryam said angrily. Zini went to the kitchen shrugging her shoulders to make coffee and some light breakfast for Maryam and Dawood. After making sandwiches and coffee, Zini started holding Maryam, get up, you don't have to go, Maryam, brother Dawood too. They will come. What is your problem, Zeni, when I have to get up, I will get up, you don't need to worry, you can go from here. She said, "I'm leaving." Maryam got up and said, "Assalam Alaikum, how are you ladies?" Dawood had also left. "Who did you say to these women?" Why? Dawood made an innocent look and said, Maryam, got up angrily and started preparing to leave. Zaini saw Maryam getting up and went to the kitchen. Seeing Zaini going to the kitchen, Dawood also went behind. Zaini then what did you think? Daoud started talking without any preamble. Zaini started pouring coffee into the cup without saying anything. I have something to ask you, Zaini. Daoud spoke a bit harshly this time. I am bound to answer something you say. I am not and give way to me? Zaini turned to pick up the tray. Dawood was standing in such a way that if Zaini was even a little ahead or behind, he would have bumped into Dawood. Dawood was looking at Zaini without saying anything. Move away from the front, Zeni was screaming in a subdued manner. If I don't move, she smiled mysteriously at Dawood and said, "I will spill this hot coffee on you." And being on the side, he said, "Don't think that I am also going with Maryam. I will not go anywhere without finding out the whole thing. And listen, I am not one of those who back down." Dawood said bitterly. Zaini was shaken after hearing that. There was something in Dawood's tone. That disturbed Zaini. Maryam was very angry. Talking to Zaini was not even looking at Zaini. Maryam take coffee and a Sandwich too. Zeni once again tried to talk to Maryam, what is your problem, Zeni? Maryam was furious after hearing Zeni's words. My hands and feet are also safe. Why are you worrying about me? I am the last one. Maryam spoke angrily without caring about Dawood's presence. She put the shoulder bag on her left shoulder. Zina turned to go out without meeting her. She dismissed to conceal the tears in her eyes. Ok, I am also walking now. It was very fun. See you again tomorrow. After that, Zaini sat on the floor and started crying. My God, why can't I have relationships, and friends, only humiliation and disgrace are written in my destiny. I didn't tell him anything to save him. I don't doubt Dawood's intentions. I don't want him to suffer any trouble because of me. The fat-faced taxi driver guided me and showed me the way. He was drunk in the back seat of the taxi. The transmitter in his pocket was vibrating continuously for the last 15 minutes. Hello, what is the problem so early in the morning? Who is it? Hurry up. The taxi driver spoke in his sleep. Boss's roar was heard from the transmitter. Agent Charlie had fallen asleep. He sat up with a big head.Babb.Babb.Boss, he's just my carport. Target's ass was heard roaring. And the other girl next to him? I want the full report within ten minutes. Yes, yes, Boss. With the help of the round cameras that Agent Charlie had fired into Zeni's room, he began to examine the room. He was shocked to see Zeni alone in the quorum. After ten minutes, the transmitter started vibrating, the boss target was at her location, and the girl next to the target had gone with her cousin in the morning with the luggage. You are telling me now that she has gone. Where did you go? No, boss, I don't know how to edit. You don't even know how to speak properly. What will you do to assist me in this mission? I am now reporting to the headquarters about you. Who hired donkeys like you? Kar disappeared and you are drunk. The boss started shouting at the agent Charlie, Sis. Sorry, there was a mistake. The boss hung up the call angrily. And he pressed the attach bell button with the table to call his right hand. As soon as they both reached Heathrow Airport, a handsome boy came to meet Dawood, Maryam saw him and turned to the side. She picked up the magazine kept with her and started looking. Dawood and the other boy laughed at something and Maryam was embarrassed She started looking at David Seeing this, Dawood took this boy and went to Maryam. Maryam is my best friend Zaeem and Zaeem is Maryam. Dawood started to introduce them both. Peace be upon you, Maryam, how are you? Saada was also saying something else when Maryam cut him off. I am fine. I am glad to hear that you are Dawood's friend. Maryam said dryly. She turned away and Zaeem was embarrassed by Maryam's manner. "Maryam, I have to finish some important work. You will go to Pakistan with Zaeem. That was the purpose of introducing you to Zaeem."Her phone was ringing continuously. She hit her hand on the bed and started looking for her mobile. Yes, Vidya speaking. Vidya said in her sleep. How are you darling, are you still sleeping? Suresh Verma started asking Vidya. Hearing Suresh's voice, she said getting up. Tell me, how did you miss today? Did you get free time? Vidya, get ready for a mission. I am reaching your hotel in 5 minutes. Suresh cut the call saying urgently. And the car The agent turned towards the hotel. Who has made Charlie an agent? The boss was furious and said to his right-hand man that Charlie would not be my assistant from today. I have been and you are also walking with me. Within ten minutes, tell me how many agents we have active in London at the moment and I want the details of everyone. Major Verma said sternly. He saluted with his right hand and turned to leave. But as soon as she sat down, she got a strange feeling and started checking the table. She was shocked to see a small object inside the table. She started dialing a number on her mobile while smiling. Hi, how am I doing? Yes, the major has gone. He was becoming a bone of the neck. Thank goodness he took his cousin too. Someone said something from the other side, and then Zini opened up and said, "I'm doing something. Unwind, review that." I will keep it, Major, when the mission is done, I will leave here. OK, take care. After speaking, Zeni took a deep breath. Zeni picked up the watch on the table, blue rays were emanating from the watch. As soon as Zeni touched the dial of the watch with her ring finger, the blue rays stopped coming out. It looked like a watch. But this watch had such a device fitted. which did not allow the sound waves to reach any voice catcher. By turning on this device, the voice catcher could not trace any kind of sound. Hearing Maryam's recorded conversation, Dawood clenched his fists in anger. His eyes were bloodshot. He picked up the glass placed on the table. He hit the wall with all his strength. Major Dawood Ahmed, I am also Zainya, you and your mission cannot escape from my hands. You hurriedly started dialing someone's number from your secret phone. In a full voice, he said, Sir, I am in my hotel, Rosie said quickly, in how many minutes can she reach my hotel, Sir, where are you? I will be there in twenty-five minutes, sir. Good. Hurry up. Dawood hung up the call in a hurry and started dialing another number. What is the report Ahad? As soon as the call was answered, Dawood said, Sir, that girl works in a research center attached to Oxford. Her research paper is making waves in the world of science, she is getting offers from many countries, and she is going to leave London soon. He's behind him, they're watching his every move, you did a great job who took your cousin, they would have killed him very quickly, and you're also in their sights, just can't figure out who you are, I guess. We should report to the headquarters of this mission. This mission is not so straightforward. She is not Indian, so who is? Give me the report of the moment. Yes, Sir Allah Hafiz fi Amanillah Ahad Dawood's mind was spinning. Dawood now realized how critical the matter was. Zainya, I will ask you now myself. Dawood gritted his teeth. Said. Suresh reached the hotel soon. Vidya found him outside near the parking area. Yes, Suresh Bolotham has already disturbed the flight from London to Pakistan. Boss, you understand? Suresh moved a khaki packet towards Vidya. Vidya anxiously opened the packet and asked Suresh about the details of the mission. It has been said that they have to be kidnapped from the airport in any way so that these people cannot reach Pakistan somehow. Suresh said while turning the car towards the airport, Major Sharma, who is called Black Devil. Are you assisting him, Vidya asked Suresh in a very surprised tone. Suresh shook his head and said. She is going home on vacation. If she is so normal then the black devil would not have sent you to kidnap that girl. Vidya said in a thoughtful tone. Even after Dawood's departure, Maryam remained indifferent. She was looking at a fashion magazine. Zaeem was sitting on the sofa in front of her, looking at Maryam carefully. She was unable to look at Zaeem and finally said in a stern voice, "Have you ever seen girls?" Mr. Zaeem. On Maryam's words, Zaeem said shrugging his shoulders. I have seen girls, but this is the first time I have seen a fighting cat. Maryam's cheeks turned red with anger after hearing Zaeem's words. Preventing further confusion, Maryam got up and sat on the far sofa, enjoying Maryam's reaction. Zaeem laughed and laughed. At that time, the announcement started. Flight number 67432, due to some reasons, Zaeem has been delayed by two hours. He was shocked to hear this news. And hurried towards the washrooms. After entering the washroom, Zaeem opened all the taps at full speed took off his watch, and pressed the watch three times with his hand. Dawood's voice came from the dial. Dawood's flight is late. There must be some dizziness. I feel confused. Maybe Maryam is in danger. Be prepared for any situation. Keep yourself and Maryam safe at any cost. Here are your people. Still, remember to stay alert. The secret you have is to reach the headquarters at any cost. They want to eliminate me and Maryam, not you, but they don't know me. Dawood said bitterly, "OK Dawood, I'm ready for everything." Zaeem's face was hard as rocks. After talking, Zaim sat on the sofa with Maryam. Maryam just stared at him. Listen, Zaeem said quietly, he has come and sat with me. If Dawood's friend had not been with me, I would have told him that I would eat something. The flight is late. Anyway, Zaeem asked, "No, thank you very much. I have not eaten anything. Maryam now." She spoke softly. A tall girl wearing a navy blue short shirt and white jeans approached Miriam and asked Miriam's permission to sit down. Shaver Miriam said with a smile. Thank you...Sweety...You're So Sweet..! The girl happily thanked Maryam. Maryam just smiled and turned back to the magazine. your sweet name...and where are you going? Zaeem couldn't bear it anymore and took Maryam's hand took her away from there and said Sweetheart, let's drink coffee. He went some distance. Like a newly married couple, he put one hand around Maryam's neck and soothingly spoke in Maryam's ear. But Maryam felt that her heart would come out, but she was really worried after hearing Zaeem's words. As soon as Zaeem took Maryam away, the girl in the blue shirt said to someone that the target had been identified but there was another boy with him, not his cousin. What to do is as soon as you get the signal from me you fire the needles. The ambulance is ready as soon as both of them are unconscious. You show them your cousin and move towards the exit gate. Suresh Vidya was explaining the plan to Maryam there. Zaeem did not forget to stick as much as an apple seed on Vidya's bag while picking it up. As soon as Zaeem heard their plan, he started explaining the next plan to Maryam. Within a few minutes, they had both changed their clothes. He was left there in the lounge there was only half an hour left before the flight. To avoid any further trouble, Zaeem called the London police from the telephone booth told Vidya's whereabouts, and framed him for drug trafficking. Soon Vidya was arrested. The police were in custody. That's when the announcement started. After giving the OK signal to Dawood, both of them breathed a sigh of relief as soon as they sat on their seats on the flight. As soon as the plane started crawling on the runway, Zaeem rested his head on the seat and closed his eyes in peace. Maryam was still scared. As soon as the plane took off, Maryam held Zaeem's hand in fear. Zaeem was looking the scared look of Maryam with surprise. Maryam's nails were scratched on the back of Zaeem's hand. After some time Maryam's condition improved and she left Zaeem's hand. Where small drops of blood were visible in a mixed state of shame and fear. Maryam moved the tissue paper towards Zaeem and started apologizing. Zaeem took a tissue from her hand without saying anything and started cleaning the wound. Maryam remembered her behavior and felt more ashamed. Zaeem's brother once again tried to say something. Zaeem cut her off and He said sorry on the condition that you don't call me brother again, you can only call me Zaeem, my name is Zaeem Alam Shah. My Zaeem said seriously. Maryam shook her head innocently. And Zaeem was also kind. Zaeem had saved her life and did not let her get angry. So Zaeem Alam Shah, how did you know that that girl had come to kidnap me? She had come to kidnap me. No? But why? Mariam was asking in a disbelieving tone. Those people wanted to kidnap you and Dawood, said Zaim, but why? They were lying behind Zainia. She didn't even tell me anything. If they were lying behind her, why don't they want to kidnap me? Maryam did not understand anything. Because Zainia is not an ordinary girl, Ra and Mossad are behind her because she is working on research that will probably spread in the coming times, Zaim said. what But how can this happen? He never mentioned it to me. No, this is a lie. He is not dangerous. He is innocent. They are not behind him because he is a Kashmiri. His father was a leader of the Hurriyat Movement. That's why RAW agents want to kill Xinya too, they will never kill Xinya. Maybe the story that Xinya told you is wrong. Zaeem didn't want to talk about it anymore. But how can this happen? Maryam was surrounded by uncertainty. Many things can happen in the world. Maryam, like just a few hours ago, you became my darling for some time. Zaeem spoke to change the subject. Hearing Zaeem's words, Maryam stared at Zaeem. Seeing Zaeem laughing, she couldn't even smile. Zaini's extremely beautiful sad eyes were moving around in her mind. Her innocent golden and pure face was moving around. A tear fell down her cheek. She had turned away to hide from Zaeem. She was going to Pakistan to save her life, leaving Zainya. Perhaps never to return to London again, and Zainya knew all this. He did not stop Maryam even once. Maryam felt intense self-hatred at that moment, she could not understand Zainia. Without caring about Zaeem and other people, Maryam was crying intensely, hiding her face in her hands. Zaeem was stunned by Maryam's sudden crying. His colleagues have been waiting for Vidya to assume the position for a long time but there was no response from Vidya. Suresh was really worried. Vidya was a top-secret agent. He couldn't expect anything stupid from her. While walking continuously, he was thinking of following plan B when the sirens of London police vehicles started to be heard. The airport was surrounded by police vans and vehicles. I appeared to be going towards the exit door. He signaled his agents to run away from there and took a few agents to chase the police van in which Vidya was. The plan was to somehow free Vidya from their clutches. Raa could not spare a friend. Suresh had reported the capture of Major Sharmaku Vidya while on the run. Sharma was struck by the news. He was somewhat convinced that the ISI had arrested him. Suresh's mission has failed. When Suresh informed him, a flood of abuses came out of his mouth. Suresh Verma turned red. There was a roar in the voice, "Donkeys can't free this Vidya, so put her to death in this van. Either complete this mission at all costs or be ready to die a horrible death." Sharma's tone was so cold and horrible, Suresh. He shivered uncontrollably Dawood was getting the report from Pul Pul. As soon as the plane took off, Dawood breathed a sigh of relief. His mind was spinning fast. He had to catch the fat-faced Indian taxi driver whom he knew. had tipsy a ton of liquor the previous evening. He suspected that he was watching over Xenia. The bug in his car turned Dawood's doubt into belief. Dawood immediately invited Red Thunder to his hotel. He was responsible for kidnapping the taxi driver and extracting information about the mission from him. Red Thunder was a hidden ISI agent and had been in London for the past two years. had failed several missions. Assalam Alaikum sir. Red Thunder met Dawood in a very courteous manner. Hello young man, how are you? Dawood smiled and met Red Thunder very warmly. I was also interested in you. I have heard many achievements of you, I thought. Let's see the practical demonstration as well. Red Thunder smiled at his praise and said, "Please order, sir. Inshallah, I will fight till my last breath for Pakistan. If there are thousands of lives, then this green." Sacrifice on the crescent flag as long as I have breath, it is my duty to stop the breath of my enemies, Insha Allah, I will not fail to fulfill my duty. After seeing the passion of Red Thunder, Dawood understood that as long as this passion is alive, no one can look at Pakistan even with an evil eye. had been sent for help. Dawood had told Red Thunder all the events and situations so far. Hearing Dawood's words, Red Thunder was thinking. And after thinking for a few moments, he spoke. If they have failed to catch Maryam, then they will try to kidnap Xenia anyway. Or maybe Xenia has been kidnapped by now Horide Thunder said in a worried tone. After listening to RT, Dawood applauded. Patted the RT on the shoulder in a giving manner..and said worriedly..I have my eye on everything. We can't sit around waiting for permission from headquarters. The young man you take care of the taxi driver. Dawood said seriously, Red Thunder nodded and asked for permission to leave. After Red Thunder left, Dawood changed his clothes and went to Xenia's hostel so that no one could recognize him. I arrived. He felt a strange commotion. Two nurses were carrying a patient on a stretcher from the same wing. Dawood's mind flashed and he sensed something unknown. Order your agents to attack the ambulance. Kruh ran towards the gate. Two people invisibly surrounded the ambulance. One person suddenly attacked the driver while talking to the driver. He was conscious. The other unknown person put a gun on the other person's neck in the ambulance and signaled him to be quiet. In that way, the two nurses brought the stretcher to the ambulance. Dawood ran and tried to help the two nurses with the stretcher. As soon as they sat in the ambulance, the two nurses felt abnormal. Dawood signaled the agent sitting in the driving seat to drive the ambulance and hit one nurse with his left hand on the neck with full force. Without giving him a chance to recover, he pressed the trigger of the silencer and emptied the entire magazine. As soon as he removed the cloth from the patient's face, Dawood pursed his lips. Even if he lay down for a few minutes, Xenia could not think beyond that and completely The hostage was hit on the head by force. The ambulance was running at full speed towards an unknown location. After some distance, he felt that a car was following them continuously. Dawood ordered the car to speed up. Dawood pressed Zeni's nose for a few seconds and put his hand firmly on her mouth. After a few moments, Zeniya started coughing and she regained consciousness. 
The car was constantly following them. But due to the distance, she could not fire. They only had a few minutes. As soon as Xenia regained consciousness, she opened her eyes. Found Dawood bent over himself? Zeni Are you OK.....Without giving any answer, Zainia pushed Dawood away with both hands and tried to get up. Zainia, I have asked something. You have kidnapped me, where are you taking me, Xenia screams slowly, Xenia. I am not your servant who listens to nonsense, I am not obliged to tell you anything. And your friends who were kidnapping you will take you to the hospital to fix your broken bones, Dawood said in a stern tone and firmly held Zeni's wrist, explaining the plan to the agents, he stopped the ambulance near the bushes and held Zeni's wrist. On the run, one agent hid in the bushes and lay down under the ambulance as if changing a tire. Bhal took care that the car that was chasing had stopped near the ambulance. There were two people in the car. Within a few seconds, the bullets of the two agents who had taken up positions on the tree had fried them and dragged them both into the ambulance to avoid danger to Dawood. After reporting the incident, she drove the ambulance herself and left for an unknown destination. Dawood was constantly holding Zeni's wrist tightly. Zeni's eyes were moist due to the pain. She was constantly trying to free her hand. But who cares, leave my arm, I am in pain, Zini spoke in a weak voice, her head was throbbing due to the intensity of the pain. The mother-in-law's mind was plunged into darkness. When she regained consciousness, Dawood was leaning on her, while the sound of gunshots was heard. Zeni closed his eyes in fear. His lips were shaking in fear. Helpless Zeni held Dawood's arm. Dawood's heart desperately wanted to wrap it in itself or take it so far. So that they could not reach the cruel Zeni, he was watching Zeni in a mesmerized way. In a state of self-forgetfulness, he touched Zeni's beautiful face helplessly. At that time, the agent informed him that the way was clear. The charm of the moment was broken. He ran towards the car holding Zeni's hand. Sitting in the car, Dawood gave his jacket to Zeni. Taking care of his muffling mind with one hand, Zeni took off the cap and threw it on the dashboard with the other hand. And Dawood started staring angrily. See the Xenia meme, you have the advantage in this. If you will wear this cap, you will. So maybe we will avoid any new trouble. If you still like to take trouble, I will drop you off here. Dawood said seriously while opening the door of the car. Dawood could barely hold back his laughter at the way Shazini picked up the cap and started wearing it. After driving the car at a high speed for a long time, when Dawood was well satisfied that the car was not being chased, he stopped the car on a quiet road, Cross took off the saddle and increased the speed of the car and drove the car away before Zaini was shocked by Dawood's action and showed no reaction. Zaini saw Dawood jumping from the moving car. Dawood got out of the car like an expert acrobat. They fired at the tank of the car. The blast made the vehicle burst into flames. Zaini fell unconscious due to fear and terror. Seeing Zaini falling, Dawood started patting her face. Even for a few seconds, Zaini did not regain consciousness. Without wasting time, he picked up the saddle in both hands. The car started running in one direction towards a nearby town of Oxford. It had been about twenty minutes while running along the river bank that he began to see signs of population. He stopped at one place. Coming towards him, he asked a black man for the nearest clinic. The black farm took him to the clinic. How did they get this injury? We are husband and wife, we got married recently. Dawood quickly made up a story and told the doctor how long it would take for him to regain consciousness. Dawood's condition was deteriorating by seeing Xenia in this condition. It seemed that his heart was calling for Xenia every moment. A delicate little girl was melting a stone. It was turning into wax. Injections have been done, and she will regain consciousness after some time. The head injury is deep which will take a few days to heal. Dawood sat on the stool placed near Zaini's bed taking Zaini's cold hand in his strong hands and touching his lips with moist eyes, he was feeling Zaini's pain in his heart, the feeling of Zaini's pain was tearing his heart. A horror descends on the heart, then illuminates the world of mind with a strange and painful pain. It happens. The heart wants the beloved to be in front of the eyes all the time. And everything and every feeling should be freed from the prison of time and space. Love had also descended on David's heart. Wake Tuck was looking at Zeni with wet eyes. What kind of love was there that the heart was fluttering like a caged bird? But Khard was not allowed to express this horror in words. Zeni's eyelids trembled. Daoud slowly put Zini's hand back on the bed. He wiped his moist eyes and stood up. Zaini opened her eyes and looked around in confusion for a few moments. Dawood broke the silence and said, "How are you now?" When she started trying to sit up, tears came out from the intensity of the tears rising in her head. You are fine, you jumped. Dawood laughed at Zaini's words. I am fine. Nothing happened to Zainya from jumping, but maybe I am half dead because of running away for 20 minutes continuously by picking up someone. Hearing Dawood's words, Zainya bowed her head due to embarrassment. Kokod started saying something in words. After ten minutes, a white taxi arrived outside the small hospital. Dawood cleared all the bills and went towards the white taxi. After driving continuously for about half an hour, the car stopped at a place. Zeni opened her eyes and saw that the taxi had stopped at the gate of a farmhouse. Dawood extended his hand to help Zenia to get off, Zenia said, "Thank you very much, Dawood." Sahib can walk in I'm fine now. 
Dawood shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly and moves towards the entrance. As soon as Zania and Dawood enter, an old farmer who looks like a Pakistani is standing next to him. Both of them greeted them smiling. Dawood gestured to the girl to show her the room of Zenia Kwan and said, "My name is Jawaria, you can call me Jaya." She brought her to her room and she is my father. This farmhouse belongs to our grandfather. Dawood Sahib is our benefactor and you are his wife, so in that sense, you are also our benefactor. She was speaking. Zaini looked at her with displeasure at the matter of the wife. But she remained silent due to expediency. Meanwhile, Dawood also entered the room. Brother Dawood, you guys should freshen up, I will start eating by then. Dawood smiled and nodded as Ye Hoon Jia turned to leave.

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