Changing Relationship

Changing relationship 

Today was Nagina's wedding night, she was anxiously waiting for her partner wrapped in a red couple on Saj Dhaj's bed, she had many fears in her mind. Nagina was a college student and met Arshad at a bus stop. In the novel "Changing Relationship" by Badalte Rishte, Arshad used to stare at Nagina wearing black glasses and pant shirt. "Changing relationship" Nagina initially ignores Arshad but when he stands up for Nagina at the same place at the same time. Nagina was from a middle-class family. Love used to be far away from the words of love. Nagina had deep blue eyes and pink lips. Nagina didn't pay much attention to herself but Hasan was the best in Nagina who kept looking at her."Changing relationship"Arshad followed Nagina continuously for two months. He was looking at her as he inserted the paragraph. Once it occurred to him not to complain, but then the old father thought that the matter should not go any further."Changing relationship Nagina's father was a labourer. There was another younger one who was studying for matriculation. Mother was often sick.
Changing Relationship
Nagina used to teach tuition to the children at home to run the household expenses. Father took care of some of the household expenses and Nagina took care of the rest. Nagina was exceptionally enamored with understanding books and stories. Why are you standing in my way every day Mr. I am constantly noticing you. At long last today, Nagina thought about asking Arshad, since Nagina's face was on the opposite side, she believed that nothing should occur, so Nagina was chatting with her faceagina was talking with her face on the other side. At least you should think about my honor, not yours. Nagina was getting a little nervous. It was the first time she talked to an unknown person. Their eyes are on your body and they look at you with evil eyes. Whatever he says, I don't care and my honor is in the hands of Almighty God, if He doesn't want, no one can do anything and please don't stand in my way from the other side. Nagina got into the car and left. Arshad kept looking at Nagina. At the point when Nagina was lying on the bed around evening time, she began pondering the day. Nagina shook her mind and fell asleep because the next day was a holiday. Nagina went to her room to rest. Sooner or later, the weather conditions changed and mists covered the sky. 
When the cold winds started blowing, Nagina went to the roof of the house took full advantage of the change of weather, and closed her eyes. Kai took a long breath. Nagina Nagina heard her name and woke up and thought to and fro yet there was nobody. The voice was familiar. I didn't know who he was, and I didn't know why his heart was thinking that he apologized to this boy. Nagina concluded that she was sorry to this kid yesterday. The next day she stood at the bus stop after an hour She did not see that unknown boy anywhere, but she must have heard some phrases. At first, Nagina did not think about the phrases said by anyone. But today, when she thought about it, Nagina thought in her heart that the boy was telling the truth. Nagina also forgot this. Nagina was very interested in books. Nagina used to borrow books from a private library near the college and read them back. He was the same person who met Arshad at the bus stop. Nagina had seen Arshad. Arshad was also looking for books. Now Nagina had a chance to talk to Arshad. She stood up to call him. Nagina also wanted to keep her illusion. Arshad's eyes fell on Nagina. Arshad became silent and went outside. At the same time, Nagina also took the books and went outside. Arshad was probably waiting for Nagina. Both of them were staring at each other on the road. Arshad dared to greet Nagina and explained the purpose of coming. What are you doing here? You also like to read books. Arshad said to Nagina. Yes, I am also very fond of reading books and novels. Nagina replied to Arshad in a normal manner. It is very hot, let me drop you in my car at your house, it is not appropriate to talk here. Arshad pointed to his car and addressed Nagina. No, no, I will go. Hey, how can I leave the bus stop by myself? Nagina was thinking about something and the next moment Nagina agreed and sat on the front seat. You have your car then why were you standing at the bus stop Nagina asked Arshad. He is for you It used to be because I like you. Arshad didn't want to waste time and flatly refused. You didn't go crazy, you didn't understand me and started liking me. Nagina's tone was a bit harsh Ms. Dil is not an employee of someone who starts liking someone by asking. Then there was silence on both sides. I wanted to apologize to you, but you did not appear after that day. Nagina broke the silence and continued talking. Forgiveness can be given on one condition, Arshad mischievously said to Nagina. What is the condition, Nagina asked Arshad's face. You can get forgiveness with just a cup of tea, no tea or anything. Then no apology will be accepted from you. Arshad said to Nagina. Ok, Nagina will agree to tea, Arshad parked the car at a five-star hotel nearby and both went inside. Nagina had never seen such a wonderful hotel before today. The clean environment and the cool air of the ACs. As Nagina reached Paris, homegar Nagina was also a little shy. She came with a stranger for the first time and was also afraid that no one would see her. But Nagina thought that her family members did not even pass by this hotel. Arshad ordered tea while sitting and also said his words. Mr. What are you talking about? I'm not like other girls who don't get to know each other and get ahead of the line. Oh no, Ms. Line, I don't give that much respect to those who are killed. By the way, Nagina has never seen a good girl like you. How did you know my name, Nagina asked Arshad in surprise, you have written your lovely name in those beautiful hands. By the way, my name is Arshad and I have my own business. Nagina was listening to Arshad holding tea in her hand. She was thinking about home that it is getting late, you speak very little. Arshad's heart's desire was fulfilled. Nagina had taken off her veil. Glory to God. Arshad's mouth is praising God. What happened Nagina? asked Arshad for an answer. Nothing happened. Glory be to Allah, He has said that you are more beautiful than I thought. The girl likes his praise as the best of all worlds, I must go now. Nagina told Arshad's words and stood up from the chair. Arshad also went with Nagina. Arshad wanted to expand the conversation and Nagina also wanted something similar but she was sitting with a figure of shame and modesty. She liked Arshad at first sight but she did not express it with her language. 
I wanted to take this. My visiting card has my number and address on it. If there is any work, you must tell me. The bus stop had come. Nagina kept the card in her purse without saying anything and got off. Rashid also left. Nagina was having an extremely challenging evening, I don't have the foggiest idea why she was fretful. Has Arshad enchanted, for what reason am I not getting harmony, for what reason is my heart fretful, for what reason would I like to pay attention to you, Nagina was posing herself endless inquiries. e, why is my heart restless, why do I want to listen to you, Nagina was asking herself countless questions. Nagina did not dare to talk to Arshad, there was only one mobile in the house, which Nagina rarely used. He dared again and this time Arshad's call came but Nagina could not pick up the call and the call was cut off. This time Nagina called again this time without delay the call was answered by the other side. Hello, Who Hello Hello Nagina was so silent that not a single word came out of her mouth and she switched off her mobile phone and went to sleep. Arshad was the first thought when she woke up in the morning and when she turned on her mobile phone, she was happy and surprised to read the message. I know you are beautiful. My voice was not so bad that you didn't even speak. I will wait for you at the bus stop at 8 o'clock. Nagina had arrived at the bus station recently. Arshad arrived behind schedule, Nagina was in a condition of outrage however said nothing and sat straightforwardly in Arshad's vehicle. Nagina quit singing and asked for the justification for arriving behind schedule.t directly in Arshad's car. Nagina quit singing and asked the justification for arriving behind schedule. Now Nagina was finding herself more vulnerable than before. Someone who cares was coming into his life. Nagina had a propensity for not talking a lot, yet Arshad used to converse with Arshad from no place, he used to make Nagina chuckle a ton. Arshad asked Nagina with a questioning look. No, I'm getting late for college and why should I see what you think of me I had to reach college early today so I sat in your car otherwise I'm not that kind of girl. I am Arshad was laughing heartily after listening to Nagina's innocent words and smiling on his lips. You are taking it as a joke. Nagina said looking at Arshad. Arshad stopped the car without delay and asked to meet next time. Nagina said that it is not necessary to meet every day and anyway, visiting every day reduces respect. This is what my mother says and she got off the car and went to college. The series of meetings was getting longer, now Nagina was becoming modern, in black tight jeans and a short shirt, she was no less than a heroine, and Arshad was supporting her financially. Now the conditions of the house were getting better and better, Nagina's studies had been completed And Arshad was also working in Arshad's office, now Arshad used to accompany Nagina as an assistant whenever Arshad went to a meeting, it had become a routine for Nagina to lie down at night. Nagina had introduced Arshad to her parents and Arshad had also gained their trust by comforting Nagina's parents. Because of Nagina's ability, Arshad also benefited a lot. If Arshad was busy, Nagina used to deal with the client. Arshad now wanted to see Nagina as his wife. Arshad used to compliment Nagina all the time. Nagina's parents were often worried. Nagina had given complete trust to her parents, now it was a daily routine that Arshad used to take Nagina to every place he had ever seen, Arshad had introduced Nagina to his mother as well. Arshad started trusting. Now we should take the matter of marriage forward. Nagina was talking to Arshad. Yes, I feel the same now. Well, I am talking to my mother today. Both of them were laughing so openly that Arshad suddenly remembered something. After cutting Nagina's talk, Nagina also stood up without asking any questions. Arshad kept turning back and waiting for someone. 
A man had come to the hotel, and even if he left a woman, even then a man's heart was bound to burn. The same was the case with Arshad. Arshad used to treat her like Nagina, maybe less than Nagina. Arshad could not forget that night when he invited Arisha to his house in a drunken state. Arshad tarnished his honor that night. Arisha had no illusions. He had promised to introduce Arisha to her mother and send her back in two bundles, but neither Arshad let her go back nor Arshad's mother was at home. Now Arisha was cursing herself. Arshad had gone out leaving Arsha half naked. There was another form, but Nagina did not doubt for a moment what Arshad was like. Nagina was not smart and Arshad was also looking for a similar girl. Now Nagina's parents started talking about Nagina's marriage. What Nagina wanted to be, she could not talk to herself at home. Changing relationships, son, we have to talk to you very urgently. Money is not everything. We don't want money that takes us away from our daughter. Nagina was listening to her father with her neck bent and tears were visible in her father's eyes. Baba, you are crying. Her father's voice is soft. There was so much tenderness and emotion that Nagina hugged her and silenced her, she cried herself. Baba, you know your daughter works a lot, she is very hardworking. Yes, our daughter is the best in the world. Nagina's mother hugged Nagina. Now the three people were very happy and her father also talked to Nagina about marriage. Baba, just let me work for another 6 months, after that I will do the same as you said. Meanwhile, Nagina's father told her. Kissed and slept without worry, but Nagina was thinking about Arshad, many illusions were being born in her heart that Arshad would not refuse marriage, Nagina did not understand that she should talk to Arshad. This task was a bit difficult, but it was not impossible. Nagina had fallen in love with Arshad and she could not express it with her tongue because Allah has given women shame and modesty. A statue has been sent to the earth. Allah has blessed me with many qualities and one of them is this, but our society forces a woman to do many things. Now Nagina also wanted to talk to Arshad. I want to talk to you. Sitting in the car, Nagina started talking to Arshad. That night, Mama Baba came and was talking about my marriage. What gift did you give me? Arshad was also talking about my marriage. I want to say, that Arshad has become mischievous. Yes, I will give you a nice present. You must deliver your marriage card to me. What do I want to say, Arshad, and you are joking? Then I will send my mother to get the relationship. It's fine. You can go with me tomorrow after your leave from the office and tell me at home that you have to go to a meeting and you will be late. Arshad, you are telling the truth. Nagina looked away and smiled. Nagina was now happier because she was going to meet him as she wanted. Nagina had completely changed but her dignity and modesty were the same as before. Nagina went home and had a meeting. She told him that the next day she went with Arshad wearing black jeans and a yellow shirt. Nagina was going to meet her mother-in-law today and was also worried about how her mother-in-law would be. Nagina remembered the time when she had to pay college fees She used to ask for a loan from her friends and today Nagina was helping others in every way. Two were needed. Nagina had received a lot of money from Arshad and had also saved, but Nagina did not feel proud even for a moment. Touching it on the first night, a person gets what he thinks and Nagina also had the same thought that Nagina was getting. There are often situations in a person's life that they don't even imagine. But the successful one is the one who endures and passes these exams. Nagina was feeling scared along with the joy of meeting her mother-in-law. Arshad relaxed Nagina by saying, "Hey man, there is no need to be afraid, she is my mother." Arshad left the office, let's go somewhere for a walk. For the first time, Arshad was told by Nagina himself. Arshad was very happy to hear this and both sat in the car and went on a long drive. Arshad tried to hold Nagina's hand while driving. No, Arshad, don't do something like that now, I will hand you over to you after becoming Muharram, but it's not all right now. Arshad must have gotten angry for a while but later he recovered. Now both of them sat in the park and started drinking coffee. When Nagina looked at her watch, it was already 8 p.m. Look, I don't know the time, let's get up, now let's go." Nagina worriedly said to Arshad. "Okay Dad, come on, mama is also waiting, Nagina talked a lot with Arshad today and opened her heart and told Arshad everything. When a man realizes the reality of a girl, the respect of a woman decreases for a man. They say that love makes a person blind and deaf. It is a man's nature that a man gets closer to a woman whom he is not able to get. Jam Hai Arshad, is there no one for the children who sleep on the footpath, who gives them a roof?Is it true or not that you will plunk down and talk? We should be selfish. I mean our house is the next street. Open the car door. Rasheed greets Nagina very politely and opens the door. Nagina puts her feet on the ground and starts looking around. Nagina's eyes are wide open. Such a magnificent palace, he said in his heart and slowly started to take steps inside the main door which was made of special wood. When he looked around the road, he was happy to see the swings on the grass. For a few moments, Nagina closed her eyes and began to feel the smell. The palace was completely tiled. What are you looking at? It is of special interest that she waters the plants herself every day and this is our employee Rashid. Mr. Ji was standing bent over. Mother's health is bad and she is not even taking medicine. Rashid informed Arshad about his mother's health. Why didn't you call? Arshad was now getting angry with Rasheed, Sahib Ji, Begum Sahiba had forbidden, let's go from here, now Nagina started thinking and reached the point that Arshad did not even feel that he was a poor person and Rasheed was in the house. It was his compulsion to give him a job because Rashidarshad's father had given him a job in his life, and Arshad could not even fire him. Listen well, Rashid Arshad, while going to Rashid, stopped, sir, I told you to arrange a maid. So she ran away with her friend. I have spoken to my daughter. Sir, she wants to study further You should give her a job. Rashid was so forced that he agreed to his daughter's job as well and now she is young. Rashid had only one son who was addicted to drugs. Rashid's wife, who was now ill, was in a state of starvation in the house. Rashid's sons. had sold his valuables to satisfy his addiction, and now Rashid had no capital and no source of income, only the same job that he had been doing for the past 30 years. He was thinking of teaching because Amina was very fond of studying and Amina had many relationships, but each relationship was approached by about 40 people. No one would have agreed to get married in this house because of that. Well, you have to do one thing, bring your daughter to the office tomorrow. Introducing Nagina, yes, sir, it's okay, sir, I wanted some money. Rasheed humbly asked Arshad. Rasheed had given you money only the day before yesterday. What was surprising Nagina Arshad used to laugh and talk cheerfully to everyone in the office and outside, but he used to talk very proudly to the servants of the house and the office. 
I have not seen such a magnificent palace-like house till today. There were stairs on the right side of Thangina which led to the upper portion. There were precious sofas and a big LCD in the TV lounge. There were 8 to 10 rooms in this house and 8 rooms in the upper portion. Shahid's decoration was never seen in his dream. AC and tiles were installed in every room. You sit here. I will come by telling my mother. Arshad asked Nagina to sit on the sofa and went to the room himself. R introduced Nagina to their mother. Mama, this is Nagina whom I mentioned. Arshad's mother looked at her and closed her eyes without saying anything. Nagina felt that her mother did not agree. Arshad's mother was a more proud woman than Arshad, but Arshad was also her son who was minding his own business and did not even talk to his mother. His mother had fallen ill while living alone at home. But Arshad had meaning from his work, that's why his mother used to explain to him, but now she was also forced to obey everything Arshad said. Arshad was the owner of his own will. Zubaidah Begum (Arshad's mother) She was in a state of semi-unconsciousness, Hello Doctor Faraz, I am talking to Arshad, come home, Mother's condition is bad, Arshad was calling a doctor now, Nagina, you sit next to mother, I will bring the doctor. To Nagina. Now I was worried that it was too late, Mother, Abu would be waiting and it was ten o'clock at night, you are so fresh, go, Nagina nodded and Arshad went out. The doctor came in 10 minutes. Nagina, you go to the next room. Varshad spoke to Nagina in a gesture and Nagina went to the next room. AC was on in the other room too. She went and sat on the bed. She was sitting there thinking to Allah How much keyring husband had given, the doctor had gone, and Nagina was taking off her dupatta in front of the mirror and setting her hair. The smell of Nagina's body spread throughout the room, but she didn't realize that Arshad grabbed Nagina from behind and hugged her from behind. Leave it, someone will come. No, my dear mother is asleep and there is no one at home. This was the same room where Arshad did all this with the first girl. Arshad was holding Nagina in this way. Arshad, please don't, it's not all right. Arshad, who had now come in front of Nagina, held her face and completely stunned Nagina. Now Nagina also stopped trying to free herself.Nagina completely lost consciousness and was covered in Arshad's color. Nagina was turning red with anger. Arshad did not do well. Nagina's eyes were constantly shedding tears. Arshad apologized to Nagina in a very sweet way. And said that you were my honor and still are Arshad, we have made a big mistake.Nagina who was now going through a state of closeness, her tone was a little harsh but what could happen now, what had to happen was already done, let me leave you, you are not feeling well, get dressed, Nagina remained silent without saying anything. And when she reached home, she was scolding herself. Nagina was shivering from night, she could not sleep properly. Nagina had switched off her mobile phone. Hey son, you have a very bad fever, how hot is your body, Nagina was quiet, after taking medicine, Nagina's condition was a little better. On turning on the mobile, Nagina received about 50 big messages, on which it was written I am very ashamed of what I have done, please forgive me, I still want you, tomorrow I am reaching your home with mom, tell my parents.On this, Nagina was quite relieved and did not go to the office for 2 days. When the drawer bell rang, Nagina opened the door and found Arshad and his mother in front of her eyes and set the dupatta.Saying Assalam Alaikum, she moved out of the way. Nagina had already told her parents. Come, son, Nagina's mother welcomed Arshad very respectfully and sat in the room. Zubaidah Begum was now examining the room carefully. Son, what will you eat, Nagina's mother asked the guests. Nothing, Ami did not come to eat or drink. Zubaidah heard Ami's name from Arshad's mouth and started staring at Arshad. Arshad immediately changed the conversation. Come, son, sit, Nagina's mother asked Nagina to come in when the door opened. Nagina had a tray of tea in her hand. Nagina kept the tray on the table and looked at Arshad with displeasure. Making a confused face, she sat right in front of Arshad. Nagina's mother broke the silence and started talking. Son, go and bring the rest. Good mother, I am going. As soon as Nagina came out, Nagina's father entered the room and hugged Arshad with great joy. How are you, son, sister, how are you? Nagina's father asked Arshad's mother about the situation. Yes, brother, thank God, he said, giving a small smile and started talking, Brother, we do not believe in long talks, I want to make your daughter my daughter-in-law. And we have come to ask for your hand. I like your daughter. Zubaydah was forced to do so even though she didn't want to. Zubaydah believed that if the daughter-in-law came Arshad would be further away from me. Zubaydah was very angry. Hearing this, Nagina's parents started looking at each other and after a few moments of silence, Nagina's mother started to answer. Don't marry your daughter, but we are afraid of what people will say that where Nagina used to work, she got married here. Aunty, people's job is to speak, so let them speak. 
Did any of your relatives support you at home? Arshad started talking to Nagina's parents. They are fine, son, but we are honorable people. We have also seen those days which you cannot even imagine. Aunty, I am aware of all the situations. You leave the rest, Zubeida. Hey sister, you are getting worried, we will set it up, you just say yes. We have to know his will from our daughter also then we will be able to answer. Now Nagina's parents were a bit worried. Ok now allow me to go to some work. Son, don't go after dinner. Nagina's father was saying to the guests. Why not, uncle will come around sometime, and next time he will also bring a box of sweets. All the people were happy at that time. Nagina was listening to all these things standing at the door. Nagina's heart was bursting with tears, she was finally going to find his love, but now she had become an open book in front of Arshad. Nagina was a little worried about this, as soon as Arshad and Zubeida came out, Nagina would be on one side. Nagina went to her room to rest. Now she was waiting for her parents to come. According to her thoughts, her parents had to talk about this. Nagina was very happy. Son, we have to discuss something important. Your boss came with the relationship and he knows everything. After thinking for a while, Nagina said to her parents, Mother, Abu, you have the right to do what your heart desires. Today, Nagina was waiting for Arshad for a long time and Arshad's number was also getting disconnected. Nagina started thinking that she had lost her meaning and wanted to leave Tusheed. Nagina was getting anxious that the horn of the car coming in front attracted Nagina. The car looked new, when the car stopped in front of Nagina, Nagina came to life and went and sat in the car. Arshad looked a bit worried today, what happened Arshad, why did you stay late today your number is also being blocked, nothing, Nagina's mobile battery was low. Nagina's mom does not agree. This word blew Nagina's senses. I am ashamed of whatever happened between you and me. Nagina's health started to deteriorate and she started getting dizzy and fainted. After regaining consciousness, Nagina found herself on the bed looked at Arshad with his hand on her head, and remembered everything. How is Arshad now? Holding his hand in his hand, he was looking at Nagina. Nagina released her hand from his hand and looked at Arshad with a disgusted look. You have done what you had to do, go and let me live my life. Nagina was very worried. She could not even think that Arshad's mother would refuse. Arshad had satisfied Nagina that I would marry you only. Nagina fell on Arshad. I didn't know you were using me, otherwise, you wouldn't have come so close, leave me alone. Tears started in Nagina's eyes. Arshad was wiping Nagina's tears. Nagina, I was joking with you. And they have agreed to marriage for 2 months. Arshad was explaining his point. You were testing me. Arshad can never think of me. You are seeing my condition. Your joke made me die. Okay, shut up now, what was the joke? Arshad straightened up by leaning on the pillow while supporting Nagina. Perhaps Arshad was not so worried earlier today. Sorry, you showed your heart. Nagina's anger had cooled down a bit. Let's not go now. Arshad, I am getting suffocated, let's not go. Good father, let's go, Nagina is much better now, Arshad sir, she has a problem due to depression, take care that Imran was the best friend of Dr. Arshad, there is no other problem. No, there is no problem, don't worry and take this medicine. Imran said while holding the prescription to Arshad. And yes, Nagina has become very weak. Take special care of food. It's okay, man, I'm going now. Arshad takes Imran's permission and goes with Nagina. Nagina you go home and rest you need rest I am going to a meeting. No, I am fine. What is the meeting today? There is a major request to be satisfied.Let's go. I am also going along. Nagina was having a conversation with Arshad when a car coming from Age tried to hit Arshad's car. Arshad controlled the car with the remote steering at lightning speed. After regaining consciousness, Nagina spoke to Arshad. Arshad, what is happening with us today, you did not go to any meeting today. Arshad nodded his head and walked towards the office. Arshad's family invited him home regarding the date and the wedding date was fixed. Arshad was not talking to Nagina like before. Nagina felt this and complained. Nagina now you and I are going to be one, it's better not to talk more now. Nagina understood the matter and the preparations had started at home. Sir, this is my daughter. Mehwish told you that day and not about her. Mehwish Arshad was examining her carefully. One of the characteristics of a woman is that she quickly recognizes what she wants to do with a man's look.In life, Mehwish also noticed Arshad's eyes and said while holding his dupatta, Sir, I want to study further. OK, how is this dress worn? Arshad saw Mehwish's clothes and wanted to attract Mehwish. Mehwish didn't look at Rabhi Arshad once. It's fine, your job is to take special care of my mother and pay attention to her medicine and food and you may have to stop often at night. Yes, sir, that's better. And I have no chance to complain. Yes, sir, it's fine, you go, wait, Arshad called Mehwish again and while giving money, he said, "Buy these clothes of yours." Mehwish went ahead holding the money. Immediately Mehwish released her hand from shock and went out. Mehwish was fed up with the conditions of her home and this forced her to get a job. Mehwish was a fragile girl. Very innocent and less intelligent, often less intelligent girls are ready to give their all by being beaten by a few words. Arshad's intention was broken after seeing Mahoosh's crystal eyes, poor Mehoosh's father. He sent Mehwish for a job. The preparation had started with a bang. Now it was the turn of shopping. Arshad, did I have to go shopping? Okay, let's make tomorrow's party, let's go. There was only one month left before the wedding. Nagina's new life was about to begin. He had many dreams. Arshad, what I couldn't say till today, I am saying today, I have fallen in love with you, never leave me alone, you are my everything, Nagina, what has happened, I am yours and you are mine. Arshad's handwriting was static in such a way that he would make anyone crazy. Arshad's mother also called Nagina to shop for Nagina's choice. The market will go. The daughter-in-law should do the shopping of her choice. Later, don't listen to Arshad saying that she didn't buy such and such thing. Do the shopping only once. She doesn't come to me again and again. This attitude of the mother-in-law was new to Nagina. She didn't know that A mother who calls herself a daughter before marriage turns out to be a mother-in-law later. Yes Mom, I like you, don't worry. Bhai, show them the pink suit in front. Arshad likes it very much. Zubaydah is getting a little jealous.No, I don't like it. Now Zubaydah had this thing in her heart that if she wore anything that Arshad liked, she would get away from me. Well, show me that other red pair. Mom, how is it? Yes, if you like it, take it. Zubaidah was seeing unpleasantness in everything. She knew about Nagina's past and used to avoid the poor like Arshad. Ok brother, pack this one. Nagina did a lot of shopping and came out of the shopping mall. Arshad was standing outside waiting for his mother. Ami Jan was done shopping. Yes, it was done before Nagina said something else. Zubaidah did not let the conversation continue. Come on, son, my health is bad. Yes, mother, let's go. As the wedding day was approaching, Nagina's parents were getting worried. But there was a difference in the life of the in-laws and Meke. One thing was happiness. Nagina's duty was going to be fulfilled. Thangina did not speak loudly to anyone in the office, and even T-boy was treated with great respect. Arshad was very angry.Asmat, bring some tea, my head is very sore. Laya Mem. Ismat went out and while keeping tea on Nagina's table, the tea tray fell. Are you blind, can't you see and work? It's dirty, clean it. Arshad who just came to Nagina's office. What has happened? You have only spilled the tea, why did you lift the sky above your head? Nagina said to Arshad, Nagina, keep everyone within limits, these people forget their times. Arshad does not say that now. He will clear it. It's fine. The deal was done yesterday. Prepare the file and send it. Today, those people are coming to sign the agreement. Do this. You should change your dress and don't wear a dupatta. They might note this thing. From Arshad's words, it seemed that he was taking the project by making his future wife a dowry, but Arshad never came to the office without a niqab till today and you made me sit in it without a dupatta. Nagina, you know, sometimes such a project is difficult and I don't want to lose it. Nagina liked Arshad's words in this loving way and she got up from her chair while nodding her head and started preparing to change her clothes. Welcome. Come on Arshad began to welcome the visitors with enthusiasm and brought them to his office.Pointing to Nagina, he started introducing her. She is my assistant. Nagina was my right hand. Nagina was listening with her eyes lowered. Nagina's open hair and dupatta around her neck were testimony to the fact that the guests who came to the project were lustful, the way the guests were looking at Nagina like a hunting dog sees its prey and pounces on it when it gets the chance. Eena raised her eyes a little and saw Arshad's gesture. Nagina had understood Arshad's gesture. Nagina now wanted to stand up to the other party regarding the project and discuss important topics. At the second party, there was a middle-aged man, pistachio-colored, pistachio-height, pants, shirt, and tie, while the other boy was a young man, probably his assistant. can be easily signed on the agreement, then our job is to pack the goods and deliver them to you and all the other necessary things that Arshad told Nagina Nagina told Bashir Sahib and I told the assistant. Basheer was paying less attention to his words and more attention to his body. Okay, give us the agreement, I will sign it. Arshad smiled at this and held the agreement to Nagina. Nagina was standing on the table holding a pen in her hand. Take this and sign here. The short man with a devilish smile grabbed the pen to sign and Nagina started trying to touch Nagina's hand. Arshad did not notice anything because he was happy to get the project. Today I am very happy that I got a new job. Arshad, you saw her eyes, how dangerous she was looking. Nagina ignored these small things, and then she was able to move forward. Ok, Arshad, I will see. Well, if you need anything, let me know and I will bring it. Arshad was asking while looking at Nagina. Look at me, what's the matter today? It's like a fire. Nothing is happening, it's just not the same. Tell me what happened. Arshadas tried to touch my hand, I will not go in front of him in the future. Nagina, I have told you, don't take small things to heart, it's fine.Nagina's mehndi was done today, all her friends were invited and she was having fun. Jijo will go crazy seeing you. You look so cute. Look at us, don't forget us. What was the conversation with Jeeju? After the wedding, her friends were laughing. The camera captured these moments and started praying to him.Nagina's mother hides her tears before she goes inside the room and starts crying. Begum, what happened is a happy moment and you are crying, our daughter is going to the palace.Let him pray and let him be quiet. Nagina's father hugged Nagina's mother and comforted her by keeping her quiet. Today, Nagina had such a glow that she had never seen before. Perhaps it was the glow of love that only Nagina could understand. Nagina's heart was very happy one moment and the next moment she was sad to be separated from her family when the bill rang on the mobile, Nagina's attention went to the mobile phone and smilingly saw the screen which had Arshad's name on it. Hello, my dear, what are you doing? After hearing Arshad's voice, Nagina said in reply that she was waiting for you to come. Really. 
Yes, not really. Nagina started hearing a noise from around Arshad from Wasri's side. Hello hello Arshad, can you hear me, Arshad, tell me what happened. There was no response from Arshad, although there was a clear sound of noise, she was unable to understand the sound in the noise that the call would drop suddenly. Nagina tried unsuccessfully to call several times. Now the number was closing. Nagina did not understand what to do.She got up from the bed and watched through the window. Seeing the procession coming from the front, her heart felt calm and then she sat back in her place. Nagina Mahreen son of Shakur Akram. Do you accept this marriage? Maulana Sahib congratulated Nagina after asking her acceptance 3 times and went home. Nagina started crying with her mother. Then she met everyone and got into the car. The road was not going to be cut today when suddenly the car made a noise, the mention of Allah was raised from Nagina's mouth, and the engine of the car stopped. All the people sitting in the car were worried. What happened to the car? I check in my head. The driver opened the door of the car and checked the car. Sir, the engine is very hot. Sir, come, the engine has started, and the car will reach Arshad's house safely. Thank you all. Nagina took the first step down from the car. I saw that the whole palace was jiggling with the auxiliary lights.As soon as he stepped down, the palace started resounding with the sound of bullets. Nagina had now stepped inside the house. Arshad's house was attended by 2.4 members of his immediate family. As soon as Nagina's feet fell on the ground, the sounds of shells started echoing, which made four moons appear in the atmosphere. Arshad's cousins welcomed Nagina together. It was a ritual of guarding the door in Rashid's family. After getting together, she asked Arshad for money as if asking for ransom. Since Arshad had no sister, she asked her cousins. He had been. Brother, we only need 50,000, nothing will be done for less than that. Ask your sister-in-law, if she allows, to take it. Hahahahahahahahahahaha now the whole atmosphere became more pleasant and Nagina also smiled.Arshad extended the notes to the girls. Now the delicate buds were taking Nagina to her room and Arshad was also behind. "Sibling, it's still an excess of time, where are you going?" one of the young ladies fiendishly shared with Arshad. Arshad went outside after feeling a bit shy. Nagina stepped into this beautifully decorated room and was surprised to see the room.Rose petals were scattered on each step of Nagina. The room was bright with lights. A bouquet and flowers were scattered on the bed. The smell of perfumes was permeating the room. Nagina found the room better than she thought. It was 11 pm and now Nagina's pulse started to increase. There was a knock on the door, the knock attracted Nagina and Arshad came in from outside. Nagina in Sherwani today I will find my world, am I not dreaming, today you have become my confidant, I have no one more than her. Not happy. Words were coming out of Arshad's mouth for the first time, which Arshad had never said before. Nagina was lowering her eyes because of shame. He was named. The jewel-laden tray that Arshad gave as a gift on the first night was given to Nagina's super dukar. About 50 tolas worth of jewelry were present in it. Arshad was sitting on the velvet sheet which gave immense comfort. Yes, before you came, I was not what I am today and it is because of you. A knock on the door revealed that it was already 6 a.m. Well, you freshen up, I will also. We also have to prepare for the reception of the greats. Yes, husband sir, now you go and freshen up first, I will do it later, there was no knock on the door after one knock. Maybe someone wanted to tell the time. Every night in Nagina was now turning into a colorful night.Mom, it's time for medicine. Nagina stopped going to the office. Arshad said that if you want to join, you can. Nagina now wanted to take care of the responsibilities of the house. So Nagina said goodbye to the office. Zubaydah hated Nagina. Zubaydah had this illusion in her heart that Arshad had changed and remained a slave of Joro, but Nagina's heart was clear. She rested her back on the pillow. Nagina kept the pills in her mother-in-law's hand and said. Mom, how is your health? You mean you just do your work and leave my worries, it would be better if you want to trap my son and imprison him.I could not. Mom, there is no such thing. You are misunderstanding. Arshad kept me at home only to serve you. Just don't talk too much, give the medicine, and leave the room. Nagina said nothing and went to her room after giving the medicine. It had been a month since the marriage, how was Mother's health? Yes, you are better now than before. You are giving medicine on time. Yes, Arshad, I am giving medicine on time. As Arshad was not interested in Nagina anymore, his tone had changed a little with Nagina, what did Nagina do? The thing is, Arshad is looking very upset. Nothing, Nagina is just like that. Arshad was busy using his mobile phone. He was not paying much attention to Nagina's talk. Well, leave all the talk, tell me what you have been doing all day. I don't remember anything. Arshad was holding Nagina's hand and asking slowly. Let's change. Nagina felt that Arshad was only a companion for the night. He only talks to her for a few moments at night. Yes, change. Nagina got off the bed and walked towards the bathroom. How is Mother now? Arshad was preparing to go to the office. He went to meet his mother in the room and started asking about the situation. If he gets free time, he will sit next to this snake. Mother doesn't care about him. You just stay with Begum. Hey mom, what are you talking about, Nagina? said something, tell you, I will get news about it now. Arshad started going out while putting a bill on his forehead, stop, Arshad, don't say anything to him, otherwise, he will start doing evil to me. Mom tell me what happened. Arshad was asking while sitting next to Zubaydah. "Son, you have married a girl from a poor family. Look at your standard and look at her. She seems to belong to a garbage collector's family." Mom, just do it, if she heard, what did she think? Well, I do one thing, I put Mehwish's duty, Nagina will not come to you. Zubaidah wanted to melt Arshad while bringing fake tears to her eyes. Well, Mom, I will send him to his home for a few days. Hello Rasheed, I brought Mehwish to work yesterday. Arshad was talking to Rasheed while putting the mobile on his ear. Please, sir, she will come from tomorrow. Nagina is going out today, dinner was done outside. Arshad at night, early today He had come home. Nagina nodded her head and Tia started to stay. 
I have hired Mahush to work. You are doing housework all day. I have hired Rashid's daughter to help you. Ok, Arshad, poor people here. With my income, she will also become a support for her parents. Let's go to this hotel today. Arshad said to Nagina while turning off the engine of the car and entering the hotel. Arshad was constantly looking at his mobile phone. Please leave the mobile phone. When I see you are using the mobile phone, you don't even listen to me. Take it. Begum ji put the mobile phone. Arshad kept the mobile phone in his pocket and turned to Nagina. Well, tell me what the plan is for the honeymoon. No, Arshad is not feeling well right now. When she fully recovered, then they left. The difference between Nagina's and Arshad's thinking was heaven and earth. Arshad was only interested in Nagina's body while Nagina had real love for Arshad. Well, you do one thing, I am going out of town for 2.4 days. You want to go, go. But who will take care of Arshad's mother? Hey, leave it alone. Mehwish will come to work tomorrow. I will drop you off in the morning. Arshad is fine. My dear daughter, come, come. As soon as Nagina's mother opened the door, she found Nagina from the front. How is my daughter? Nagina's mother hugged her and asked how she was. I can't see. Mother, she had some work. Nagina explained and went to the room. Let's see who has come. Nagina came to her house after a month and a half. My dear son. As soon as he came, the father hugged Nagina and kissed her on the forehead. Nagina's father asked the next question regarding Arshad. Still, in some families, the father-in-law is kept in the head. Nagina also belonged to the same respectable family. Our daughter has come after so many days, GG, I am going, where are Sameer and Rizwan? Nagina looked around asking the younger brothers. Sameer is still sleeping and Rizwan has gone to get milk. Yes, I slept the whole night. How will I get tired? And my tiredness has ended by seeing my mother. Nagina smiled and looked at her father. Well, I have bought something for you. Nagina held a box in her father's hand. She said, "Hey son, what did he need? You have come a lot. Father, I have no right now." Nagina was looking at Father John in a state of depression. 
My dear brother, Rizwan came from outside, what did you bring for me, ummm, oh, I don't even remember. Nagina was talking to Rizwan in a mischievous tone. Rizwan made a face and started going outside. Hey, wait, my tiger, take this. How can I forget you? Nagina kissed Rizwan's head while holding the packing box. Mom, where is Mehwish, son, his mother's health was bad, so she went with Rasheed.I will come home late. I am going to a meeting. Tell Mehwish to stay here for the night. When the bell rang on the mobile, Nagina ran towards the mobile. Hello, how are you, Nagina, I remembered very quickly. Nagina was complaining and talking to Arshad. It has been a whole week. I will come in 2.4 days. Just a little bit left. Arshad was explaining. How is the mother's health? Yes, she is much better now. Mehwish is coming. Yes, Sir Arif is coming. On the other hand, maybe. Someone was talking to Arshad.Islam Alakim sir. Hey Mehwish, how are you? Arshad, while entering through the door, grabbed Bag Mehwish and started asking about the situation. How is your mother's condition, sir, she is better now, and yes, don't call me sir, sir, speak sir, sir, sir, yes, oh yes, sir. Rasheed left Yes sir Abu had gone home it was 11 p.m. You cleaned my room no sir I don't remember well go clean I will come fresh. Mehwish obeyed the order and went to Arshad's room. You are very beautiful. Arshad had come out refreshed now and was constantly looking at the features of Mehwish's body. Mehwish was bending forward and cleaning the bed. Mehwish realized when Arshad came so close to Mehwish that he could easily smell Mehwish's scent. Sir, what are you doing? Nothing, Mahesh, I am looking at your beauty. I am not like that in my head, God keeps me away, and nothing happens to me. No one will know anything. The weather outside today was very terrible, heavy rain and lightning made the atmosphere even more terrible.Please let me go, leave me alone,” Mehwish was in a state of utter surprise as she untied her wrist. He did not understand anything. Arshad's grip was so strong that Mehwish could not be freed. Arshad pushed Mehwish on the bed. It was said that Arshad was drunk. When he regained consciousness, he found Mehwish crying. Sorry Mehwish, whatever happened, stay away from me, you have ruined my honor.was rated. Mehwish was crying profusely.Shut up, and stop the nonsense, otherwise, I will tell everyone what happened. People understand that you have done everything for money and your honor will be damaged. Take some money and get your mother treated. Arshad went to the bathroom throwing money at Mehwish, and if you mention it to anyone, I will destroy your whole family. I can do everything. Arshad was so proud of his money that he thought that the world could buy everything. Nagina, I am going out of the city. You should go to Bashir and have a meeting. I have some work to do, but Arshad is a very bad person. You don't know what he is like. Hey man, nothing happens. You go and bring the check. Obedience to the husband's orders is proof of being a real wife. Now her husband was giving orders to her. Yes, but where to go, the driver will tell you. Arshad was talking to Nagina in a way of explaining things to Nagina. The car stopped in a deserted factory. Nagina got out of the car and started looking around. What kind of place is this? There is no servant, no servants. I called Arshad, Nagina was scared in her heart. After calling, I found out that there is no service here. While entering the office, Bashir was standing in front of him. Paya. Come on madam, I was waiting for you. Nagina's eyes recognized her. He was smiling and looking at Nagina with the same eyes as when they had met before. What are you doing inside? Nagina's gesture sent the driver out. Yes, Bashir sir, say you have received your order, give the check so that I can go. Hey, madam, the check will also be received. First, drink some coffee. Bashir's eyes were showing evil. No, Bashir sir, I need coffee. No, Nagina's heart wanted to tear her head off, but as soon as her husband thought, Nagina was bearing it. If you cooperate with me, I can order more. Bashir said to Nagina with a smile, "What? mean? Ms. leave the meaning, there is no one here except you and me and no one will even know. Look, Bashir, I am telling you, it will be very bad, stay away from me. Nagina took 2 steps back and was in a state of extreme anger. It was because of you that I did business. From the day I saw you with your husband, I became crazy about your beauty. You can't even imagine what I can give you. Leave Arshad. Rashid kept coming towards Nagina. Nagina's back was against the wall and she couldn't go any further. Stop the nonsense, I shouted to everyone. I will collect it and tell Arshad about your origin. What will Arshad say to me? Arshad has borrowed a lot of money from me. He cannot harm me. Rashid, I am your daughter's age. Nagina had started crying now. Rasheed was holding Nagina's waist when Nagina slapped him hard on the cheek lit up his 14 classes and pushed her out. He was very angry. Arshad tried to touch me. Nagina was crying while talking to Arshad on the call, her tears were not stopping, and started telling the whole story to Arshad while crying. His servant, Rashid, was in such a hurry. You would have had one or two more meetings. Your wife has slapped me. Now you see what I do with you. Rashid was talking to Arshad in a very bitter tone in a vengeful manner. Give me back my 6 million within 2 days or you will be responsible for your ruin. Rashid was threatening Arshad. Rashid sir, sorry Sir, I don't understand you, don't know about you. Stop your nonsense and return my money within 2 days. Rashid was roaring and expressing his anger to Arshad. Nagina, hurry up, come home, it's very important to work. What happened, 
Arshad Khairit, do as much as you have been told, don't argue with me. Arshad was scolding Nagina while expressing his displeasure. I'm coming. Mom, I have to go. There is an important job. Arshad asked why my son suddenly prepared. Nagina's mother worriedly said yes. Nagina's mother began to send her away in prayer, Arshad Nagina, why did you misbehave with Rashid Sahib, you don't know how many favors he has done to us, now he is asking me to return 6 million, why did you do this? Arshad was talking to Nagina in a bitter tone. Arshad what do you mean you don't know what he tried to do with me tell me. He tried to use me. Nagina cried while telling Arshad. Look, Nagina, everything is taken care of in business. If he wanted to talk to you, you would have done it. What does Arshad mean? It doesn't make any sense at this time my mind is bad. What did you say to me? It's time, Nangina was talking angrily while repeating Arshad's words. Answer me, Arshad, Nagina was holding Arshad's neck, and I was your wife I am not a person who pleases men. What you said will blow my mind. Nagina, my mind was worse before this, take your form and go away, leave me alone. Arshad took Nagina by the arm showed her to the bed and went out. Nagina's nights were forbidden because of Arshad's tone. Bar was listening to the ticking of the clock, because of the bell of the door, Nagina's attention was drawn towards the door and she went out to open the door. "You haven't slept yet?" Arshad asked as soon as he entered. Yes, I will go to sleep. Nagina rudely spoke to Arshad. Still angry. Nagina will walk into the room without answering. It's time to eat. No, I have come to eat, you eat. Nagina will put the food back with a bill on her forehead. When she came back to the room, she found Arshad strangely. Rashid's eyes were red. He smelled bad when he spoke. Arshad is fine, what happened? Nagina was worried and after putting her hand on Arshad's forehead, she found out that he had been drinking. Listen, Avarshad came to me and called Nagina in a daze. I said come to me. Arshad shouted again. I don't want to come. You are a very wrong person. Nagina's eyes were filled with tears. I am not listening to my nonsense, come here, this time Arshad said in a harsh voice. I will not come now, I will go and tell my mother. I have seen love, not my anger. You think you are a fairy. I don't know how many girls like you walk behind me.Leave Arshad, I am getting pain, Nagina was not able to bear the intensity of the pain, you have harmed me a lot, and you will have to bear the consequences. Arshad was constantly raging at Nagina, for God's sake, please leave me, what happened to you, Nagina started crying. Arshad dragged Nagina outside and closed the door from inside. Arshad is the one crying so much, Atami is not loving, no, it is not him. Rahka Mehwish must have come, she cares more about you than anyone else. Arshad was talking to his mother from outside the door in a sarcastic tone. Nagina was listening to everything. Arshad, your time is up, give me my money. Bashir reached Arshad's office. If I don't get my money by evening, I will take legal action. Bashir was not ready to listen to anything. Sunni should get the money by evening Bashir went out threatening Arshad. What happened, madam, are you okay? Mehwish started to clean the room, when she looked at Nagina, she found that her eyes were red, and you have a very high fever, I would bring medicine. Mehwish, my fever can't be cured, you let me stay, what do you mean ma'am? Mehwish's tone of concern was worried for Nagina, nothing, you go work, no, I won't leave you. After saying, Mehwish will go out and start giving medicine to Nagina, will you get married? Nagina asked Mehwish, no, madam, Abu says, if you get married, then those people will be alone and anyway, I want to study now, Mehwish. She said while keeping the glass on the table. This is very good, Nagina, okay, I will teach you. Soosh was wondering what was happening with her, what do you mean, Baji, why is she not like you, nothing, Baji, ask you one thing, yes, ask Mehwish Nagina, what is the matter while eating on the mobile side, Baji, they are fighting with you, no, who are you talking about? Nagina was looking at Mehwish with questioning eyes and asking, she is not talking about Sir Arshad, no, he is one in thousands. Hoi Boli ji baji I am going Sir, Sir, Mehwish will go to Arshad's room in a panic. Arshad had just come from work, what happened? Sir, Sir Mehwish knocked on Arshad's door. He was so nervous, why did Arshad open the door and asked Mehwish in surprise. Amma, what happened to Amma? She can't speak. She is also breathing. Arshad came out of the room and Nagina also came running. Mom, what happened, Mom, say something. Arshad, in a very worried state, started asking his mother for an ambulance. Calling quickly, Nagina urged Arshad and said, "I don't know, they are coming, no, Nagina, you hold my mother and Mahosh, you also go to the hospital." Arshad picked up the car key and left. But Zubaydah was not able to speak. Is there a doctor? The patient's condition is very bad. Please take care of yourself. The doctor is coming. The nurse encouraged Arshad and said to the nurse, shift the patient to the emergency room quickly. The doctor told the nurse in a gesture.
 Air went to an emergency Nagina and Mehwish started looking at each other, Nagina, both of you, eat something, it's morning. It was in Arshad's eyes till today, Nagina had not seen it. 6 hours have passed, what is the condition of the mother now, Arshad, her BP was very high and her sugar level was also high, since when has she had asthma, since one year, Ashad started explaining to the doctor. Patting her, she walked forward. You can meet her now after shifting her patient to the ward. How are you, mother? Arshad stood by Zubaydah's head and asked, holding her mother's hand. Nagina was sitting at Zubaydah's feet, while Mehwish stood on the other side and began to drink water. Zubaydah could only move her finger. Today was the third day since Zubaydah was admitted. Till now, Zubaydah was in the same condition. After the check-up, the doctor said that the nurse was called by the sign and said that the condition of the patient was not being taken care of. You call Dr. Amjad and I call Bilawo ji in my head. The nurse will leave the ward. Doctor, the condition of the patient is getting worse day by day. Now what? Yes, I am also thinking the same. All the tests are clear, but I still don't understand anything. The doctors were discussing with each other. A nurse came running from outside and the patient's condition had worsened again. Let's all go out. Let's go, the doctor sent Arshad's whole family out and started pumping, but now it was too late. Zubaidah Khaliq had gone to Haqiqi. After hearing this, Arshad and everyone went to the ward crying. Arshad was now 2.4 and in great pain. He did not understand what to do. Arshad's mother was very sorry. After about 15 days, Bashir called Arshad and said, Arshad sir, what happened, now please return my money and cut the call. Now Arshad had a tough test. Arshad sealed his second house to give money to Bashir and gave money to Bashir, now no new orders were coming and Arshad's goods were not being delivered in any market. For one thing, your company is losing money and the goods are not arriving on time. Sorry sir. We have agreed with someone else. Bashir had made Arshad so dirty that there would be no value left for Arshad in the market. Arshad had already invested the remaining rupees, but there was no benefit. Arshad, give me a job. No one was ready to take his brand into the market. Arshad had saved his factory by selling that house which used to work 24 hours earlier. That went out without giving him any answer. Now Nagina and Arshad's quarrel became a routine thing. Nagina then took a decision. Arshad, I don't want to spend more time with you. I want freedom. Hello, Mrs. Arshad, how are you? Now Nagina, looking at the incoming message on her mobile phone, tried to find out who is your lover among you. I thought I should have a meeting with you. Nagina, if you tell me first, then I will come to meet you, whatever you want, then I will tell you from the other side, the address at which Nagina had to reach was listed. Arshad began to stumble without help and pain. Arshad's business had completely ended. At the same time, Arshad received a letter which, after reading it, demanded one and a half Kaur on Arshad's pay slip.He was surrounded by difficulties, now he was seeing darkness all around Nagina reached the given address in the evening. Yes ma'am, first tell me where did you get my number from and what was the purpose of calling me, Nagina sir, the purpose is yet to be fulfilled. Your husband played with my honor. I am one, he also dreamed of marriage with me. My name is Arisha. He is playing with my emotions. He used me many times and then left me. Nagina was very surprised to hear all this. She came in front of him, his mind was hearing, and he was becoming unable to think and hear. What Arshad did to me is what started to happen to you, but you are lucky, you will be saved. Well, I wanted to destroy him, so I left him. Now look ahead. When a woman comes to revenge, she spoils the generations and Arshad was taking the same revenge now Arshad who is Arshad when Arshad heard Arshad's name he was shocked who is Arshad Arshad stutteringly said the same Arshad that you have used before me like me, not me. I don't know. Arshad was talking to Nagina while hiding his eyes. It's too much. Arshad, I never knew you before.If you had given me away, I wouldn't have made the mistake of even meeting you, what did I not think, but you turned out to be such a bad person, Nagina, dressed up, Nagina, listen to me, whatever it was, it was an accident. I know everything, now you see what I am doing. Nagina has started packing now, stop, I will be alone, please stop, now the court will decide, Mr. Arshad, Nagina said in a threatening tone and walked away. Arshad had received the second and last alimony slip, now Arshad was completely helpless, he had lost everything in his own hands. I thought that today the helpless helper was lying on the footpath drunk and he remembered Nagina's words Arshad said that people on the footpaths have no support and in response Arshad told Nagina that we should be mean to ourselves. We don't care who is doing what. This was the same Arshad who used to eat in five-star hotels. Today he is sitting in the Durbar and eating. did not bring his mother Arshad had sold his car etc. only one factory would remain in which the employees were protesting by locking the factory for salary another reason Arshad started receiving allowance slips Shahid has never cried as much as he was crying today. Dear friends, call is the last episode, don't forget to read it. The house that his father had named after him in his lifetime after Arshad never lived in that house and never went around, but now he started living in that house after he gave the raw wealth to the employees. Requested to open the factory and the factory started to a certain extent, Arshad had become zero, and no one was taking Arshad's brand. The solution started. Son, if Ashad is like this, then leave him. Nagina had told her mother everything, her whole house was far away from the trouble, and Shahid had no words to tell her about the distress that Nagina was going through. Ever since the bus came, she was remembering the past and crying all the time, her eyes were red and she was going to be very sick. 
Mother, what should I do? The same person asked me to go to Na Muharram and said that it was not a big deal, Mother, he raised his hands on me and beat me daily. Nagina was crying and telling her mother everything. Your father's honor will be in the dust, you do this, get another marriage, no, mother, I will not marry now, my trust is broken, mother, when trust is broken, even the most patient person is of no use, mother, what should I do? It is fine if I die now, but I will never get married and I will take space from Arshad. From Nagina's words, it seemed as if her decision was irrevocable. Nagina asked for forgiveness, but Nagina didn't accept it, love was still there in Nagina's heart. She read his old messages and started crying. She wanted to forgive Arshad, but the next moment she remembered everything about Arshad's day. I used to call many times, Nagina would block her number and no one would answer. She was also worried about the trip to see her and then the persecution she had done on herself, she had lost the ability to think. Son, have breakfast. Mother, I am not hungry. In the morning, Nagina's mother woke him up and called him for breakfast. Son, eat a little. Look at your condition. Nagina got up from the bed and sat on the dining table after getting fresh. After 2.4 bites, she felt dizzy and ran away to the bathroom with her hands over her face when she felt nauseous. Nagina's mother was surrounded by anxiety and her mother's doubt changed when I went to the hospital, I found out that Nagina was going to become a mother. I didn't understand what to do or be happy in such a situation. Son, what do you say now, get an abortion, if you don't divorce Arshad, then Nagina's Mom was sitting next to Nagina and was talking about Arshad's call, but she had to pick up the call even though she didn't want to. Arshad's crying was coming from the other side. Forgive me. It's for God's sake. I need you. I'm done, Nagina, tell me, answer. Nagina was quietly listening to the conversation. Nagina's heart wanted to talk to her, but she couldn't say anything. Arshad Arshad Nagina said 2 words and hugged her mother Zaro queue started crying, and Shahid's call had been disconnected. At night, the ticking of the clock and Arshad's loneliness were not letting him sleep. Arshad was disturbed by a strange noise. Hearing sir's voice, Arshad became interested, what is the matter, what happened to the call at night, everything is fine, sir, there is no news of anything good. You have burnt to ashes, the fire has started and all the workers have gathered. Your number was not available. Did you come early? Arshad was very surprised and sad. Arshad got angry and said, "Brother, let's go quickly, where are you going, time is too late, I can't go now." Brother, it is God's help, let's go, it has become a big problem, hey brother, tell me something, then where is he to go? Arshad started thinking like crazy about the address of his factory. What happened? The rickshaw puller who had forgotten his address was looking at Arshad with distasteful eyes. Scratching his head, after remaining silent for 2 minutes, while giving the address to the rickshaw puller, he said, "Oh, well, you are talking about this factory, which is a tendon individual." Sir, his modern office has burst into blazes, he has become incredibly famous, and he also controls his soul mate to mess up.y powers his better half to foul up. What do you think of him? I don't think anything, but a guard in our neighborhood used to work in their house. He did a lot of wrong with his daughter. Poor thing, he couldn't do anything. He was very poor. As Arshad was listening, he started hiding his mouth. Arshad quietly gave money to the rickshaw puller and left. There was chaos everywhere, the sirens of ambulances and fire engines were constantly ringing. Arshad was seeing his destruction in front of his eyes. He was forced to do nothing even if he wanted to, with tears in his eyes, the conditions during the construction of the factory were in his eyes and he was looking around with tearful eyes, he heard something in his ears that all the people in the factory should be martyred. They have gone and there is no trace of the owner. He has sold all the houses and where has he gone? An investigation officer, Shahid, was talking to his senior officer. Sir, the situation here has become very serious. There was an urgent need and the policeman gave a report and drove him away. Arshad returned home after drinking water and found his body lifeless. He didn't have any idea when the morning came. Handcuffed and quietly sat in the police van. Sir, these are the papers of Bel. After 2 days, he heard Nagina's voice in his ears. He quickly got up from his place peeped out and started muttering in front of Nagina. Save me, it is the name of Allah, save me. Nagina was listening to all this. Nagina also had the heart to hug him and comfort him, but she could not do that. She will come with a lawyer and take Arshad home. You were very proud of your money, but where was the money that you wanted to win the world with? Arshad had become dumb. Now see what happened with your own eyes. Forgive me, I am seeking forgiveness from my Allah, you come back to my life, just come back, putting his head on Nagina's shoulder and shedding tears of regret, this was Arshad, who had lost everything today, or may Allah forgive me. After that, if Arshad doesn't do anything, I will strangle him and hold him and take him to the market, Nagina said while holding her child and now all the work was in Nagina's hands. He invested the money he kept in the business and bought a magnificent mansion. Friends, this was a true story with very few fictional scenes. If Nagina had known Arshad before, she would never have been able to make her future like this. Nagina endured every cruelty but did not lose courage. There are many girls like Nagina in our society who trust everyone and become confident and self-respect like Arisha. It has been seen that girls don't trust anyone after cheating once, even if they do it, they don't do it from the heart. What is the whole story about the man? Not at all. If the woman doesn't want it, then the man touches the woman. A man can't even come close to her. A man gets a hint, so he goes near a woman, and a blind man only needs 2 eyes. Not every man is bad, not every woman is bad, that's all. After being cheated on, men cheat on other women and women cheat on other men.

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