Ice Cream Recipe

Ice Cream

Ice Cream Recipe

"Ice cream" is a beloved frozen dessert enjoyed worldwide. It's made from a mixture of cream, milk, sugar, and often egg yolks, which are churned and frozen to create a creamy texture. Flavorings like vanilla, chocolate, fruit, or nuts are added to create a variety of flavors. Ice cream comes in various forms, including scoops, soft-serve, ice cream sandwiches, and popsicles. It's often served in cones or bowls and topped with toppings such as chocolate syrup, sprinkles, and whipped cream. Popular ice cream flavors include vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, mint chocolate chip, and butter pecan, but the possibilities are endless with many creative and unique options available. Ice cream is not only a delicious treat but also a social and cultural phenomenon, with ice cream parlors, trucks, and shops being common places for people to gather and enjoy this delightful dessert. It's a perfect way to cool down and satisfy your sweet tooth on a hot day.
Planning Time: 8-10 hours

Cook time : 0-5 minutes

Serve: 4
Level Of Cooking: Simple

Taste: Sweet

Elements for Ice Cream Recipe
  1. Bananas 4
  2. Cocoa powder ¼ cup
  3. New cream 1 cup
  4. Vanilla substance 1 teaspoon
  5. Honey 3 tablespoons
  6. Pecans ¼ cup
  7. Technique
Stage 1
Strip, break the bananas and put them into a blender container. Add cocoa powder, cream, vanilla quintessence, and honey and mix well.

Stage 2
Toast pecans in a non-stick container till light brilliant and fresh. Move them onto the worktop and cleave them generally.

Stage 3
Move the mixed blend into an impenetrable holder. Add pecans, blend well, and put the cover on. Freeze for 8-10 hours.

Stage 4
Scoop out and serve chilled.

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